Chapter 1

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Rue was walking the dirt part going somewhere she was trying her best to read the map but with no help she couldnt to save her own life so she groan and throw the map in a near by river as she sigh then look into it thinking.

'how did I end up here? all I remember was watching naruto till I fell asleep'

Rue groan again feeling the headache coming from all that stupid thinking. So rue continue her walk till she come across a bridge so she cross it till it started to rain.

'oh great just what I needed rain to fall on me for my unlucky day'

Rue flip her jacket over her head and walk into the village she cant read the sign cuz its in Japanese so she continue on ahead trying to find a place to stay.

*Unknown pov*

A man with orange hair and purple ring color eyes open his eyes as he turn around in his chair looking out the window out in the rain. He felt someone enter this village and it have a really strong chakra level.

Pein narrow he eyes thinking this person have to be a enemy or someone willen to join his 'group' pein turn toward the door as he hear footsteps coming this where. Out come though the door is now other then the real leader of this organization.

"did you felt that? whoever it is we need to capture him/her right now that person will be great use to us" the black hair man with a orange swirly mask said to the orange hair man

"I will send deidara and sasori to fetch the person"

"no send hiden and kakazu make sure that person is alive not dead"

"yes leader-sama"

*Rue pov*

Rue finally found a place to stay she was happy when she enter, but not anymore everybody was staring at her like she some freak she was called that alot in school, but it still hurt no matter where you are.

Rue shrug her shoulders and enter the inn she see a old lady behide the counter reading a book or a magazine.  she walked up to her and ring the bell to know she have a customer waiting. The old lady smile at her warmly.

"what can I do for you young lady" she asked as rue took in her surroundes forgetting the lady ask her a question

"oh yes I would like to have a room please"

"alright 200 ryo"

Rue give the lady 345 ryo the lady was protesting but, rue said its find giving her a warm melting smile.  Rue grabbed the keys and heading up the stairs to her room 'room 134'

Rue open the door to see a morden type room she sigh cuz of the bed she have to sleep on the floor not even a nice comfy bed that give you dreams not back pains.

She throw her stuff down on the bed and sit on it looking up at the ceiling she wonder how she got here and why is she here it doesnt make no sense that she just end up in naruto world for some odd reason maybe it had to do with her being different.

Rue known all her 24 life that she was really different from the other people cuz one time a boy went and took off the chain around her waist and started to trouble her till she just punch him though a wall almost killing him cuz of the impact.

Rue groan and lay down on her side dont want to think about what happen in the past life. Rue sigh then narrow her eyebrows as her stomach growl loudly seeking for food.

Rue growl herself forgetting to eat something so she left the inn searching for some food. She come across a shop that sell meat so she stepped in and look around sitting by the window in the far back from everybody else that watches her weirdly.

But little did she know that two members was watching her every move and plotting to capture her anytime soon.

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