Chapter 9

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Rue open her eyes as she yawn feeling refresh as she felt this nice warmth so she snuggled into it more till it moved as she feel this heavy pressure on her back.

Rue look around confused and wondering what the hell is on her back she move her head slightly to the left seeing a pale hand with a purple ring on his ring finger and purple nail polish on her back

rue look up seeing pein peacefully sleeping against the tree she look up at the sky seeing it's almost morning and they need to keep it moving to get to the village till they week is up.

rue move to get up but the hand push her back against his tone hard chest she yelp softly when her face hit his chest she started to blush red and look up at pein slightly to see him up and looking down at her.

"pein-sama......uuhu can you let me go please" rue looking around the place avoiding his eyes as she hear him sigh softly letting her go as she get up quickly with a slightly smile on her face.

"we should get moving we waste time resting" he said so rue nodded grabbing her bag then look at pein as he grab his bag and started to tree jump. rue sigh softly again blushing red at how pein had look sleeping and how warm he is.

rue look up at the sky smiling she started to jump the trees catching up to pein as they continue ahead.

*time skip*

once they arrive outside the fire border pein look around and started to walk toward the dirt path heading east so rue follow looking around started to feel like she been here before. rue look to the left and stop in her tracks making pein look back at her confuse.

rue started to walk toward a tree with deep cut marks as she trace them slowly something catch her eyes so she look closely and started to read it.

"rue and madara best friends forever......who is madara?" rue asked pein to see him narrowing his eyes at her and the tree she was confuse at first but he sigh softly and look straight at her.

"you see back at the base but we mosta continue we are not in the rain village remember that" he walked away quickly rue narrow her eyes at him now as she see he is being different when she say this madara name something isnt right.

rue follow behind pein trying to figure out why he was acting so weird so she sigh couldn't think of anything as she walk beside pein looking ahead.

rue grasp to see the village gates it look burned to blacken and its open to anybody. she look up seeing the sign 'oda clan' as she shallow the lump in her throat walking around seeing alot of weapons, ashes and dry blood.

rue stop and look around seeing blood traits heading to the forest and houses she look up when pein passed her heading to the bigger house. so rue follow behind him looking down sad that her people her own clan is fallen.

"rue I know it's hard to see your clan like this but we have got to hurry" pein said as she look at him for awhile then sigh catching up to him and walk beside him toward the big house.

rue and pein stop infront of the clan doors as he open the slide in door. rue body moved on her own as she walk inside and look around she look in the sitting room seeing old photos as she pick one up she feel pein presence behind her as he look at the photo as well.

rue wipe away the dust seeing a beautiful woman and man with a baby in they hands and someone in the left corner looking down at the baby and smiling.

"they look like your parents.....and the other one most be a uncle" pein said as she nodded slowly smiling at it.

"I keep it with me let's check the other places you check down here I check upstairs"

pein nodded and look around the living room more as rue run upstairs and open the first door to the right. she see a normal room with alot of rusty ninja stars and swords and alot of chain scythe hanging on the walls.

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