Chapter 13

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Rue was panting hard looking at this man that was surpposed to be dead and is wondering how he alive after itachi told her stories about him know. rue stand up quickly and moved toward the door to get blocked by him and get pushed back toward the bed.

rue grasp loudly moving back fast as her back hit the wall she stared at madara with fear and she know she never feel fear in her life but right now she here stories about him he turn into a monster after he left his clan and control the fox demon to kill anybody who get in his way and almost killed the first hokage for kami sakes.

rue snapped out her thoughts to see madara walking toward her on the bed and sit on the edge looking at her with his bright one red eye she was going to asked how he lost the other but didnt even bother.

"rue i know this is hard and confusing and you want to run out this room and out the base but i didnt go thought the marrying thing either i was having a hard time with my clan, brother and hokage that i didnt have time for love and marriage so i was pointed as your godfather from your father and mother will"

rue stared at him shocked that her parents signed him as her godfather but what confuse her more is the photo and the tree thing back at her old clan.

"I see but can I asked you something?" rue asked to get a nodded from him as she breath in hard and released softly

"when I was at my clan with pein I saw a tree with my name and yours and friends forever also it had a photo as well with me and you and it had writen on the back too" she went in her pocket and handed madara the photo she found as he look at it and she can tell he is smiling.

"well I dont see that everyday I remember this like it was yesterday....that was some good times we had.....but you didnt know I was going though problems before I does always come to you, your smile and laughter can make me smile and forget about my problems like it was nothing.....but happiness had to come to an end after your clan died and I was lost without you"

"I know you said that the azia clan killed my clan just for me.....but what was they goal anyways"

"they goal was to kidnapped you and rise you into a monster also make you bare the prince child since your really from a strong clan on all" rue narrow her eyes at him knowing this isnt right and the information doesnt fit right.....mmmm oh well

"mmmm thank you godfather for the info on my family and all.....and I wish we can go back to old times but you have to act like a man child when your out there" rue giggles cuz he groan dont really want to act like a man child again

"and I was enjoying this too I really dont want to go out there and act like a asshole so I dont be found out"

"dont worry in tho times madara you act like yourself again I like you way better than tobi the werido.....anyways see you around godfather"

madara chuckled softly and nodded at rue as she open the door and look both ways and run out quickly heading to her room to get ready for the mission.

Once she was ready pein give her the map of the nations since rue totally forgot everything when she was 7 years old. rue headed out to the land of rice to kill her target.

*time skip*

rue made it to the land of rice in just a day thanks to her father powers ability to run without burning energy or chakra yay for god like powers.

rue look around for any leads that would lead her to her target....and she find nothing not even a clue. rue groan in anger and walk into a bar and sit down at the bar looking around she order herself a shot as she hear someone yelling behind her.

"what you doing with my woman?!"

"your woman? dude are you blind or your stupid this is my woman loser go get your own"

rue heard giggling from the woman as she hear the person groan like he angry or something as she sigh softly knowing this isnt going to end so well

"you little punk I will kill you?"

rue sigh as a fight breaks out in the bar so rue order a next shot dont really care whats happening right now as a chair come flying her way but she duck makin it hit the bartender instead as rue sigh softly.

rue flinch when something hit her in the back of her head as she groan turning around and glare at everybody.

"Who just hit me with that fucking bottle?"

rue asked calmly to get a scowl from a really big and muscular man with a small head.....fucking weird. He walk up straight to her with his chest out making him look like a fat cow trying to force down grass though its ass

"I did it. what are you going to do about....." he didnt get to finish that sentence after rue kicked him into the wall without spillin her shot as she drink it down and leaving the bar to get stopped.

"wait miss wait"

the unknown person catch up as he look at rue making rue smile in the inside as he smile at her with his blue bright eyes.

"hey Im axel why dont I show you around the land of rice I can tell your not from around here"

jackpot rue find her target but first she going to make him show her around than she make her move.

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