Final Chapter

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Its been 3 hold months and nobody havent find or heard from sasuke and his group for them hold 3 months. the members was searching day in day out wouldnt give up on rue till they find her.right now we all was in the hokage tower exhausted, wary, spend, and worried. ken was in the middle of the floor trying to reach rue but he failed everytime he do it.

nagato lean back in the chair he is sitting on looking up at the ceiling he picture rue smiling face, her beautiful golden eyes, her long silk like black hair flowing in the wind, her nice pink lips that kiss away your problems.

nagato sigh out missing her so badly he look at the others seeing how sad and worry they're. rue made alot of friends in the leaf, she helped them with the problem with the elders included that man danzo, fix the village and made new rules as well....her smiling face will make everybody happy and cheerful.

"......its been 3 hold months.....where can she be!?" naruto screamed out as sakura patten his back.

"we check all the bases and havent find a single clue!?" he continued making everybody more sad, but making the akatsuki feel even worst seen we like thieves and can find hidden passages, but for some reason we cant find this one.

everybody was thinking and wondering where she could be as ken grasp out alerting everybody.

"rue......I finally.......what???" he said as everybody jump out they seats looking at him for any clue as to where they could find her.

"..........what!!!!!.......but understand........I hope we can survive this.....tell him what......what?! tell him what?!?.......rue!!!!! rue!!!!!!" ken shouted as he grasp out panting hard.

"what did she said?" tsunada asked worry lace her face as ken lean back on his hands sighing out.

"she said that they are going to attack here in the field of dreams......thats next to my village.....the oda grave yard.....and she said that they machine is at its peck so we have to be REALLY careful......sasuke didnt picked that place for nothing"

"its where all the members of the oda clan died right?" tsunada asked to get a nod at her answer she sigh out softly.

"when did she say he is coming?"

"tomorrow evening when the night is coming up" ken answered as everybody have on they serious face.

"well we wait then.....akatsuki" nagato said as they nodded disappearing to go and do they thing as everybody else dismiss theyself......tsunada lean back in her chair worring for the worst to come when tomorrow evening arrive.

*next day*

nagato put on his akatsuki cloak walking toward the front door to see the others waiting for him. he nodded at them as they walk out the house toward the main gate seeing the others already there.

"everybody ready" he asked as they nodded they head. they was ready to set out till tsunada stopped them.

"I may not know you akatsuki.....but bring back the future with you" she demanded as nagato nodded his head turning toward the others.

"lets go"

they disappeared into the trees tree jumping as nagato look ahead having a strong bad feeling that something worst will happen right there on the battlefield.

once they arrive they hide in the trees looking at neji said they be arriving in less then 5 minutes so everybody prepared theyself to rescued.

everybody hold they breath when they showed up with rue into some kind of glass machine with rue chained to the top of it. nagato anger grown to its peck to see his girlfriend helpless and weak.

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