Chapter 28

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rue ran down the hall toward the living room to see pein walking out the door she jump infront of him putting her arms out stopping him.

he looked at her then sigh out softly he talked to her but she shake her head not listening. he try to move but she wouldnt move she didnt wanted him to leave......not now not ever!!

pein stare at her as she stared back with tears in her eyes she didnt want him to go he can disobey her father and both of them could leave together forget everything and just start a new life.

pein walked toward her slowly pulling her into his arms whispering into her ears as he knocked her out. he look at her peaceful face sighing out doing the right thing as he lay her down on the couch next to her brother that he knocked out awhile ago.

he looked at her alil while longer thinking bout all the good times they had together.....he wish he could have started longer but he had to do this he then walk out the door heading to the leaf village.

*2 hours later*

rue jump out her sleep screaming pein name as she look around quickly knowing she still at the base as she look down to see her brother.

"ken wake up" she shake him as he groan out opening he eyes and look around quickly sitting up fast. he was panting hard looking around he look at rue.

"what happen to you?" she asked as he look around the base as he grasp remembering.

"where.....what happen all I remember is coming back to the base after that long mission he put me on and all of a sudden he knocked me out....rue....whats happening"

"I dont know but it have to do with something today......he was like a complete different person....he wouldnt listen to me.....he said something about killing his sensei and is going to attack......the hidden leaf!!!! ken!!? we need to get going?!"

"wait what......what about the others!?"

rue flinch when he asked that question as she look at him sadly he didnt need to be told he can see it in her eyes that they die. he sigh out softly as she get up heading toward the door as he follow suit.

they made it to the village in less then 45 minutes thanks to they fast running. rue look around the place seeing how destroyed it look she try to find pein chakra but its like its gone, so they follow konan chakra to some hideout as she walked in to see her pulling someone off the wall like the person was stuck to the wall by some wires.

"konan?" rue see her jump as she turn around slowly after she lay the person down to the floor. rue catch a glimpse of the person till konan blocked him/her as she look at her.

"whats going on?" rue asked to get no answer from her. she walked toward konan slowly to see her moving out the way with her head down. rue look at the person on the floor to only grasp out loudly.

rue know who that is cause he told her last night who he really is as she knee down looking down at him sadly.

"nagoto....." she said to see konan look up quickly at her rue seen this person before in her childhood she remember meeting him and they spend time together alot till he went away and she never see him again till now.

"no no.......NO.....please dont be dead PLEASE........"she screamed as she lay her head down on his chest not hearing no heart beat ntting as she cry on his bare chest.

"please nagoto......please dont be dead.....please I love you you say you will be......with me breaking that promise to me......please" she cryed out as ken look at her crying his self as he look at konan seeing her crying as well.

rue was still laying her head on his chest as she lean up rubbin his cheek slowly wipping away the blood from his face as she stand up then look at konan and ken.

"I have a way to bring them back but it will take alot of my life span and energy for it to work"

"wait can do that rue no dont I dont want to lose you as and kisame and ken is the only people left"

"no she is right" ken said as konan look at him confuse


"do you remember im from the oda clan we can give life but its a up our life spans to being people back from the dead.....and since I havent used mines I have alot to give out to 5 million are you willen to help me"

konan look at her seeing hope in her eyes as she smile nodded her head rue nodded her head back smiling.

"ken I want you to go and grabbed all the bodies and find kisame you the only one who can do this"

"okay but what about you?"

rue walked out the hideout looking up at the sky then sigh out smiling turning back to them.

"im going to leaf village to claim what is mines.....since my family was the first founders of the village but we didnt claim it we just lived peaceful till madara and the first hokage came"

ken nodded he head disappearing to go and search where the others can be. konan look at rue as she walk back inside putting a scroll next to nagoto as she put his body inside the scroll.

"lets go" she packed the scroll as they run out the hideout jumpping out the trees running the short distant to the hidden leaf.

once they reach the village she look around to see people cheering for someone she look to see it was a blond hair boy as they stop cheering once they feel they wasnt alone.

someone scream out alerting the people as everybody turn around toward the entrance to see two akatsuki members standing there staring at them.

rue stare at them as she see movement by the far left she duck down dodging a ninja star as she spin toward konan standing next to her. they charge toward them to get send back into the crowd.

the same blond haor boy send off clones as they get slap away easily as rue rise her hand down having enough of this as the hand nails came out the ground and slam down on it shaking the ground.

"ENOUGH!!!!!" rue screamed as everybody stopped what they was doing. rue watched them as she sigh out softly she look at konan as she move her head toward the people.

"look im not here to fight im here for a truth......a alliance between the akatsuki and the leaf"

"you think we fall for that you monsters"

"who do you think you fooling"

"im not fooling anybody......what the akatsuki did it wasnt my saying but to attack here broke the promise I made"

one of the ninjas came up to her he had side gravity silver hair and his head band was place on his right eye as he stare at her with anger written on his face.

"and why should we trust you" he said as rue sigh out softly looking up at the sky. she smile slightly then look down at him.

"two things. one if you kill me your world will die with me.......and from the oda clan which means im the first or......second founder of the hidden leaf village"

everybody grasp then started to whisper to each other she know they heard of the clan cause its outside the village just like the uchiha clan.

"and more importantly I want to talk to your hokage......for some arrangements"

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