Chapter 7

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Rue look around her room then sigh softly she pull the sheets off the bed and look at them as she groan in anger.

'stupid fucking bitches throwing cereal on me for no reason......they acting like I would take anybody here..... I don't want them......some of them they dont'

rue look up and blink slowly as she started to chuckled she notices she is yelling with herself about the men in the akatsuki, but some look cute and handsome....they look way better then the boys in the real world.

Rue shake her head slowly getting the dirty thoughts out her head as she chuckled again going in the closet pulling out fresh sheets and fix the bed.

Rue heard a knock on the door so she sigh thinking it's one of them stupid girls. she walk toward the door and open it to see pein infront of her with the three idiots.

"yes leader-sama is something wrong?" she asked confuse

"no nothing is wrong suko, lily and miko have something to say" he said looking at them. Rue look at them as well folding her arms with a serious face.

"we're sorry bout the cereal thing and the picking I hope you can forgive us?" lily said as Rue stare at them not trusting them but if pein with though all of this then Rue will follow with it but she wouldn't like the girls not one bit.

"I forgive you can you kindly leave me and pein have business to attend to" she said with her arms still cross she heard lily growl at her but she couldnt do anything bout cuz of pein.

"Well follow me to my office" pein said Rue nodded at him and look at the girls with a 'you can't do me anything' smirk as she follow pein to the office.

Rue look down at her feet then sigh as she look up at pein from behind. she notices he look like someone she remember in her past but she just can't put her finger on it so she shrug it off as they enter his office to see konan already there waiting for pein.

Rue heard pein groan in annoyous at konan in his office while we going to talk about my clan.

"pein-sama.....Rue" konan said sweetly as Rue smile at her but not pein.

"konan please leave me and Rue we have something to talk about and I would be leaving after talking to her so you wouldn't be seeing me in a week tops make sure everybody is in order and doesn't blow up my base" pein said in a deep and serious voice making Rue shiver alittle.

konan bow and leave pein and rue alone.....again, pein sighed and move toward his chair and sit down as he pull off his cloak making rue grasp silently to herself at how lean and tone his body look even with the armor shirt and a regular shirt on. pein look up at Rue confuse as he motion to the chair infront of him.

Rue clear her throat and sit down looking at him with a flush face. pein look though a file then hand it to Rue as she took it with caution.

"that's the other half of the pages we missed it say stuff you should know" Rue look at pein and nodded opening the file to read what it is.

*time skip*

Rue groan in anger, sadness, and regret once again her family didn't go though with a marriage plan with her mother and Rue herself......her mother couldn't take being with the man she was going to be with so instead she marry one of the Tokugawa which up the clan into the oda clan after all that the azia clan destroy the oda clan to kidnap Rue to gain more power.

Rue look down at the files and put them neatly on pein desk and look at him with a serious face.

"I want to go to my clan and learn more about what really happen and learn about my powers as well" Rue said to get a smirk and nod as well.

"alright pack what you think you need we leave in a hour"

Rue nodded standing up and leaving his office heading to her room after she been staying her for like only two days she already know where everything is. she pick up her bag and stuff it with useful things she need as she put her butterfly knife on her left leg and her sword on her back she grab her backpack and heading toward the kitchen and she know pein said in a hour but it wouldn't hurt to be there early.

Rue enter the living room to see everybody there expect konan and pein. she rest her bag at the door and sit down next to itachi who is reading a book.

"look who come to grace us with her presents.....Rue the slut" suko said to get a growl from Rue but she didn't want to say anything to fuel the incoming fight that she is avoiding, but she wouldn't let these bitch walk all over her like some weak pushover.

"if you want to clown someone you better thing again cuz I will hurt you even your mother will feel it" Rue said then close her eyes trying to keep her anger down.

"you should fucking watch what you say around suko before I fucking sacrifice you!!!"hiden yell at Rue making suko smirk.

"you should be the last one talking hiden cuz I could have leave you in that bed to get eaten from the inside....not even sasori could have saved you even if he try so if I was you I would shut up and leave me alone before I kill you" Rue said with a glare then clear her throat again as she heard a chuckled not far from her.

"you got own hiden" kisame said to get yelled at hiden but kisame keep on laughing at him as deidara join in on the laughter.

Rue open her eyes then stand up feeling pein coming down the hall fast as he make his presents known. he look at Rue and nodded as she get up and walk toward the door picking up her backpack.

"everybody me and Rue is going to be gone for a week tops if I come back and the base is blown up or unorder punishment......itachi I leave you in charge" pein said walking down the hall that lead to outside as rue follow behind him as they started to take off heading to the outskit of the hidden village.....Rue pray and hope that everything is still there and fresh after years of staying away.

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