*Extra* (7 mins in heaven with rue)

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everybody was in the living room doing they own thing: konan was makin animal papers, pein is sitting down reading the news paper and drinkin a coffee mug that said '#1 greatest evil boss ever', kakazu was counting his money as always, hiden was watching a game on the tv, itachi was reading a book like he always do, kisame was playing in the fish tank (cough.....his parents...cough), tobi was doing......tobi, deidara and sasori was yelling about art again and zetzu was in the corner talkin to himself or he double and rue well she was on the floor playing with a ball of yarn.

"im so bored hn it doesnt have anything for us to do yeah" deidara asked ignoring sasori glares on the back of he head as pein sigh for the 10 time yeah rue keeped track

"what you want us to fucking do blond bitch it doesnt have any fucking missions for us to do"

"dont call me blond hn!!!"

"oooooo fucking kay she-male"

oh great hiden start deidara up now now he is yelling at hiden and that will make him yell back which lead to kakazu yellin at them to shut up so he dont lose count in he money and so on.......its so boring right now im talkin to myself in my mimd which is werid.

rue look toward pein as he glare at hiden and deidara like they shut up and be quiet like little brats which it wouldnt work. pein feel someone watchin him so he turn and see rue staring at him as she look away blushin alil as she get up quickly to only get trackled down by......tobi the man-child a.k.a my godfather madara.

"tobi want to play a game"

"shut the fuck up man-child nobody dont want to play your shit game"

"but it will be good tobi promise"

"alright tobi what is the game" rue asked as tobi look at her and rue feel this really wicked smile on his face and she know to fuckin well that madara have some wicked game in his mimd.

"lets play 7 minutes in heaven with only rue!!!"

"what the hell?!? no what happen to konan"

everybody look toward the table to see it empty. rue hang her head in defeat as she sigh lookin at her godfather evilly.

"well thats the best thing to happen here hn good idea tobi.......wait did I just said that"

"yes you fucking did she-male"

"stop callin me that hn!!!!"

"tell us how does this go" itachi asked after puttin away his book and havin our full attention.

"tobi said that everybody put they names in a hat and rue here will go in the closet and wait till someone goes in"

rue tried her best to run for it but madara tackled her again so she dont get away as he pick her up while she protest and get thrown in the closet.

after everybody put they names in the hat rue waited till someone come into the closet. she couldnt believe konan left her like that like she know tobi was goin to pick that game or something.

rue couldnt hear the names being called so she sit on a box in the closet and waited till the door open and hiden stepped in rue stare at him with some much hatred she swear he was melting from the inside.

"alright tobi says your time starts now"

once the door close rue push hiden against the wall and aim for a punch but he dodge it and kick her in the stomach she recover and backhand him in the face makin him slam against the wall and yell words at her as she yell back.

*no one point of view*

"tobi say thats going well"

"I bet hiden will have his head cut off"

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