Chapter 23

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Everything went back to normal after the kidnapped everybody went back on mission even her cousin got missions with her and pein as well.

pein was away as well he went to his village to see if anything was alright and ntting happen to his people. rue have been feeling sick for these past weeks and she dont know why right now.

rue wake up with a start thinking she feel better after she ate some food late nite but she was wrong she was feeling 10x worst then before.

she groan as she breath out softly then look at the time seeing its late afternoon as she get out the bed as the door open to see her lovely brother walking thought the door with a glass of water. everyday he does this walk into the room with a glass of cold water and sit there comforting rue till she feel better to go though the day.

"hey sis are you feeling any better today"

"no not really im feeling 10x worst then before.....I dont know whats wrong with me right now I got to asked the guys if they can help me" she said as he nodded at her. she smile at him as she get up quickly and run into the bathroom then fall on her knees throwing up everything she ate yestersay and last nite into the toilet as she groan holding her stomach.

she sigh out softly laying her head on the edge of the tub as she lean back up to throw up in the toilet her cousin was rubbing her back the best he can cause he to dont know whats wrong with her.

rue sigh out softly feeling alil better as she stand up closing the toilet bowl and sit on it rubbing her forehead gently feeling a headache is comin.

".....are you okay sis?" rue look at him then smile rubbing his head he started to call her sis after what happen in the healing room he was so happy he started to call her sis all the time she dont mind she would rather have him as a little brother then a cousin.

"I....I dont know ken I havent been feeling good for these past weeks....I go asked kakazu and sasori"

"you should I dont want you ti be sick I want you to be better" he wrap his arms around her as she smile chuckling huggin him back. she get up and flush the toilet then wash out her mouth with mouth wash as she sigh out softly walking out her room and into the hallways heading to the living room since thats where everybody is.

once she get there everybody was doing they own thing she spotted sasori sitting down next to itachi watching football on the tv she went to him first she whisper what she need to tell him in his ear as he nodded getting up and walking off.

she glance at itachi since she feel his gaze on her so she shrug her shoulders telling him the same as he close his book getting up quickly and walking off. she went to kakazu and told him the samething he look at her confuse then nodded his hand finish counting he money and put it away getting up and walking toward the healing room.

she enter the room then close the door locking it as well she look at her brother as he nodded sound proofing the room so nobody cant hear what they saying.

"so explain to us why you dont feel well again brat" sasori said to her as she sigh out softly looking pale and sick.

"I dont really know guys I just been feeling sick for these pass weeks and I dont know guys are the only people I can really trust right now and keep it a secret from everybody in the base......I just want to know why im feeling sick"

they look at her as kakazu nodded his head grabbin my hand and make her sit on the bed he started to pull out some stuff as sasori grabbed a knife and cut her arm as blood leak into the clear tube as her arm heals on its own.

itachi was looking her over with his sharingan he sigh out telling her to lay down and relax well they run some testes on her.

she look toward itachi pale and worried as he smile slightly rubbing he r head. she told itachi she known him when she was alil girl and he did remember meeting her he just couldn't put her face into the blurrly memorie of his till last week.

he rub her head gently keeping her calm as her brother sit by her stomach looking at her scared. sasori was looking though rue blood sample as kakazu came toward her with a clear cup.

"I need you to pee into this if you dont mind" she nodded will try anything to see what is wrong with her as she sit up and walk into the bathroom to do her business.

once she was finish she handed kakazu the cup as he start to run some testes as well rue went and lay back down getting comfortable again as her brother lay on top of her getting comfortable as well or tryin his best to comfort her.

after a long hour sasori came back with a piece of paper as he and kakazu look at her with worry or excitement. rue was confuse so she sit up waking ken up as he look at them as well as itachi stand up from the chair next to her bed and look at them as well.

"well your blood say its fine ntting is wrong with you your healthy as an ox"

"so have you find out what is wrong with me?"

"ntting is wrong with you you brat!?" sasori said then shake his hand handing itachi the paper as he read it then smirk slightly then turn to rue.

"what he is trying to say is that....,"

"congrats your having a baby....your pregnant rue with pein baby of course" kakazu finish for itachi as she take the paper from him looking it over confuse as she grasp covering her mouth as tears roll down her cheek.

"are you sure? this cant be happening right? what will I do? no what will I say to pein?" she mumble on as itachi rub her head gently she look up at him scared.

"dont worry if he doesnt take full responsibility we help you pull though rue dont worry about it just keep a positive attitude" he told her as she look at them seeing them nodded they heads.

"and I be a bigger helpper as well sis I will take care of you as well" she smile at him then everybody else as she nodded her head.

"thank you guys.....thank you so much for being there for me"

"no problem brat what are family for" sasori said as she smile more again nodded.

"yea what are family for" rue rub her stomach gently looking at it with a happy smile as she sigh out going to have a child with pein she couldnt asked for anything more.

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