Chapter 25

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Rue woke up by morning sickness again as she throw up in the toilet gripping her stomach as she cry alil bit. she was sick of it all the vomiting, the mood swings, the cravings EVERYTHING she hate it, but its a joy to have a child with pein.

from last night when they made love she couldnt stop pushing him away fear he hurt they unborn child with his roughness. she explain to him that she want him to be passionate and slow since she missed him alot and he was down for it, but she just couldn't bring herself to tell him she is pregnant with his child.

rue sigh out softly flushing the toilet and sit on the edge of the tub rubbing her neck. she look toward the bathroom door to see pein leaning on the door fram looking at her worried.

"are you okay rue?" he asked as she nodded at him then smile standing up to groan feeling light head and dizzy. she was going to drop to the floor but pein caught her looking at her to see how pale and unhealthy she look.

"rue you sure you alright" he asked to see her nodded her head then smile at him placing her hand on his cheek rubbing his cheek slowly and gently.

"im alright right now"

she get out his arms and face the sink looking at her reflection seeing how pale she look. she see pein staring at her worried so she smile at him washing out her mouth then sigh out.

"I wasnt eating thats all I just didnt feel like eating food for awhile im srry im making you worry about me" he sigh out pulling her into him hugging her tightly to him kissing her forehead.

"its fine rue as long as your okay"

"im fine alright"

he smile slightly letting her go to look at her serious she know what that mean she is going to get yell at right now.

"you need to eat right now I will stuff alot of food down your throat rue.....what were you thinking not eating are you trying to starve herself out" he yelled at her as she look down sad ready to cry her eyes out right now. she was ready to hear more but felt him wrapping his arms around her pulling her closer to him as she sigh out.

"im srry srry to make you worry bout me"

"I have to worry bout you rue your my girlfriend.....I have to be worried about you all the time" she smile rubbing her face on his chest sighing feeling really warm and comfortable right now but the moment had to end when someone clear they throat.

pein groan out loudly lifting his head and look toward my godfather as she started to blush then look away giggling.

"can you atleast give her 5 mins till you take her away to pleasure land we have work to do. we need to start the hunt on the tail beast again and I mean like right now"

rue look at pein to see him looking upset but he have to do it he isnt godfather is as he sigh out letting me go and walk toward his desk getting comfy.

"yes leader-sama.....I will send itachi and kisame to get the one tail" he was cut off by madara when he put his hand up to stop him.

"no give it to deidara and sasori.....let them handle it"

pein nodded as madara sigh out softly then jump up in excitement rue flinch when he did that she totally forgot all about tobi as she started to laugh out.

"you know I really and I mean totally forgot all bout tobi"

"uuuhu plz dont remained me rue" pein said rubbing his temples as she giggled softly hearing tobi yelling out deidara and sasori names. rue look at pein seeing him looking really stress out so she walk behind him to get him a massage hearing him groaning out as he sigh out when he see tobi running back in screaming and hide behind rue as deidara walked in with a angry mark on his forehead with a emotionless sasori behind him.

"yes you call for us" sasori said as he pass a folder toward them groaning from the massage as he sigh out.

"yes we be going back to hunting the tail beasts again everything you need to know is in that file now go your dismissed included you tobi get out" pein groan out once more when rue rub a really bad tension in his shoulder blade as everybody walk out the room.

"you feeling any better now pein" she asked as he pull her into his lap kissing her deeply as she kiss back moaning into the kiss. rue feel pein hands started to roam her back down to her thighs as she sigh out pulling back from the kiss looking at him blushing.

"im hungry" she said breaking the perfect mood as pein groan out then smile at her kissing her once more.

"you dont need food you can just suck me off pretend its a dango you love so much" pein whisper on her lips as she pull back smiling then jump off his lap.

"dangos I hope itachi still have some thanks for remaining me pein see you later" she run out the room leaving a confuse and horny pein sitting at his desk as he groan out then sigh afterwards.

"I better get to work" he said to myself really not looking forward to any work what so ever.

rue sigh out softly really happy she is out pein room she didnt want to do anything with him right now in fear of him finding out she is having his child. she really want to tell him but is scared he wouldnt love her anymore and just throw her away like he did to miko that stupid-ass-cant-have-a-man girl that was to weak to be in the akatsuki.

rue made her way toward itachi room and knock to hear him telling whoever it is to come in. she walked in to see him sitting down reading a book and kisame laying down next to him sleeping his day away. she shake her head smiling and walked in closing the door behind her and rub kisame head gently seeing him stir alil bit but didnt wake up.

"so did you tell him yet" itachi asked as she look up to see him still in his book but is having her full attention as she sigh out shaking her head then sit by kisame head putting it on her lap making him more comfy as she rub his head.

"I just dont have the power to tell him itachi......I know I have to tell him but im just to scared to even tell him.......what will happen if he dont want me or dont want this child thinking I ruin his life with it"

itachi close his book and put it down on the night stand by his bed and turn to rue seeing her looking down at kisame rubbing his head as he stir once again feeling relax for once.

"rue I know your feeling scared and afraid that pein will reject you and your child but he have to remember that its his as well you know he is the one that put you in this situation.....he might be happy to finally have someone take his place once he is gone from this world"

"yea I know that but.....I just dont want him to stop his work just for me.....I.......I just dont know" rue said looking away sadly as tears fall down from her eyes and down her cheeks.

itachi just simply stare at her as he sigh out softly reaching his hand out and pull rue face toward him as he wipe her tears away.

"listen to me rue if you tell him what will he do he will be happy dont think your selfish cuz you having his child it will be a miracle to him cuz for once in his life I can see that he is truly happy being with you and having a child with you will make him a even happier man do you understand me" rue look at him nodded her head and smile at him.

"thank you so glade I have a friend that will be there for me.....thank you" she said getting out the bed making sure kisame head is on the pillow as she left the room leaving them both there.

"is she going to tell him about your little speech" kisame said with his eyes close as itachi sigh out laying down next to him as he feel kisame pulling him closer to his body for warmth.

"hn" kisame smile at the answer falling right back to sleep as itachi follow suit thinking the samething.

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