Chapter 12

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After the fight with rue and them good for nothing dead girls rue was really happy I mean she is so happy that she dancing in her room sayin they gone and not coming back.

she so busy dancing and singing that she didn't hear pein enter the room and stared at her till she turn around and stop in her tracks than clear her throat acting normal.

"you may come in leader.....what may I do on this fine morning"

"I see your happy rue but dont go cheering just yet we have more task at hand.......I want to say great fighting and all but your leaking alot"

rue stared at him with a 'no shit' expression he acting like she didn't know she was leaking alil she just came back from the human world for kami sakes.

"I know leader I will do better"

"good cuz you have a mission I want you to do it's really simple and easy to do.....will you do it?"

her eye twitched slightly at a easy mission he just trying to give her but she take it so he don't yell at her or something.

"sure I take the mission what is it?"

"come to my office to learn more details on the mission shall we" he hold his hands out toward the door as she snort under her breath and walk out her room with pein behind her.

once they enter his office he clear his throat slight and pull out a file and handed it to rue. she look at it than him and open the file to see the details and a picture of a middle age man.

"mmm okay what the man have to do with this?" rue asked to get a sigh from pein

" I want you to track him down for me he have imfortmation about us your the perfect person for this mission he love to flirt and hit on young girls and you look young and......attractive"

rue saw pein blushing slightly as she smile evilly at him and he saw it so he clear his throat again getting back on track.

"And watch out he is a rapist aswell......your dismissed rue"

rue nodded at him and left his office headed to her room to get pull inside another room that is pitch dark as the door slam behind her she look around slowly than jump even she feel someone or something touch her arm slightly. rue groan slightly feeling how cold that touch was.

'what is them girls alive or something cuz it'nt no way someone that is alive have a cold touch'

rue felt it again so she grabbed it tightly than flip on the lights to see none other than tobi as she groan in anger and frusation.

"tobi are you fucking stupid why you pull a prank on me like that for!!!!!" rue shouted at him gritting her teeth as she stiffen up when she feel a really dark presense in the room and its only she and tobi in the room. she look at tobi in wonder if this man-child is evil and is pulling a fake id on us or something.

"tobi or who ever you are who are you? and why you pull me into your room for?

"i see you figure it out rue nothing can by pass your clan sense of knowin"

"what about my clan you know tobi or man-child"

"no need to know my name just yet rue and i know your clan cuz i known your mother and father years ago when they was alive and well.......i was a young boy back than when they died" he look at me with no emotion......well i dont know if he even looking at me but i can tell he is talking to me so that is something right??

"you known my parents that mean you had know me as well right"

"yes i have known you you was always asking for me and following me like a lost child for her mother......but it was years ago rue everything is change here"

rue look at him as he sit on the bed with a sigh rue stared at him curious so she joined him on the bed and face him ready to asked questions on her clan

"can you answer me this tobi.......who killed my clan and why?"

"a man who wanted power and money by marring your mother he could have get it but didnt since your mother choose your father over him the man was anger at that and when he had a son and your mom had you it was the perfect plan to still get money and power by wedding you and his son together but your mother, father and uncle refuse for that to happen......the truth is they wanted you to marry a uchiha but it wouldnt have work with you agein slowly just like your family.......and the clan that kill your people was the azia clan......and i bet your wondering how i know this?"

"yes how you know this?"

rue look as he sigh out softly and move his hand toward his face and remove the mask rue grasp loudly at his face but what shocked her the most that she couldnt even moved if she wanted to was what he said.

"i know this cuz i was there when the meeting was hold and i was the one uchiha that was going to marry you madara uchiha"

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