Chapter 8

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Rue and pein as been running for the past 5 hours heading to the village hidden in the leaf which is pretty far and they had a head start this morning.

rue look ahead as they tree hop as her mind wonder back at the base at how she lost control cuz of them jealous, retard bitches....I mean that's how they act toward people you don't know and never meet.

rue look at pein from the corner of her eyes seeing his calm face just staring ahead as well she narrow her eyes alil finding the man to be really handsome and......something else he just remained her of someone she meet years ago but can't put a finger on it.

rue sigh softly feeling a incoming headache coming from thinking to much. rue look around trying to remember anything on her past life but everything is just a blur right now.

"you want to stop you look tired?" she heard pein next to her said knocking her out her thoughts as she sigh nodding a yes really want to stop and get some sleep since she couldn't after them girls and the incident took all her energy.

They both stop as pein look around making sure we wasn't followed as he take a seat by a near by tree then close his eyes. rue look at him confuse as to why he is just sitting there in the dark and in the cold. rue shiver alil bit as she sigh softly sitting next to the tree he is sit by as she stare up at the sky that is full with stars.

rue smile cuz she like to be outside like this when it have no clouds in sight only the stars and the moon is out to display for the night.

"rue" rue heard her name being called so she look at pein seeing his bright purple eyes lock on her golden ones.

"yes pein-sama is something wrong?"

"no I just though I know you from somewhere it just slip my mind" he said to make rue more confuse but she leave it alone having her own problems to worry about right now.

"oh I see" she said looking back up at the sky. she then went though her bag to growl in anger she forgot her jacket on her bed she push her bag away from her and fold her arms together to try to keep warm.

pein look at rue confuse to see her sighing with her arms around herself he chuckled softly at this maybe she forgot her jacket.

"what's so funny?" she asked staring at him with narrow eyes.

"you forgot your jacket didn't you?" he said calmly as she growl again but nodded.

"that's not funny I will freeze to death over here I can't believe i left it there"

pein look at her then sigh knowing if he do this he would regret it later she might be like miko falling in love with him for one simply thing but he can't sense that rue is different then miko.

pein stand up and walk toward rue making her look up at him confuse as to why you over me he sit next to her and open his cloak and drew her closer to him.

rue start to blush on the sudden action pein just did so she look up at him seeing him looking calm as ever so she smile slightly.

"thank you pein-sama but this is really uncomfortable" and she isn't lieing either she leaning over slightly making her rest on her elbow which have dirt and alot of small rocks hurting and pinching her skin.

pein look at rue and can see she is uncomfortable so he shift slightly moving behind her and lean back on the tree as he pull her in-between his legs onto his lap as he sigh not liking this at all but it's for her to survive the cold right now.

rue blush madly hoping he doesn't feel her heat coming off her. she tilt her head slightly resting her head on his tone hard chest as she sigh in comfort for ones in her life as she close her eyes enjoying this peaceful night.

pein look at rue slightly seeing her out like a light gripping his shirt and cloak in her fist making sure her warm pillow stay put. pein chuckled softly at his own though as he to fell asleep as well.

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