Chapter 3

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Rue was shocked and confuse that she cant be hearing well......did he say she is the princess of the light and darkness clan......what the hell he most be joking.

"you have got to be kinding right.....I cant by the princess of the light and darkness" rue asked confused as the leader stare at her as he sigh grabbing a book from his deck and pass it to her making her more confuse.

"open it to the faded page" he said as rue look at the book then him as she open it with shakey hands reading the faded pages as she dropped the book beyond shocked that she see a picture of herself when she was 7 and she know cuz thats the same picture she had with her.

"this is not real.....can it?" she asked the leader that he nodded his head at her making her look down sad and more confuse.

"if you want more answers your clan is still up but alittle destroy from the war, but to leave you have to join my organization"

Rue looked at him and nodded her head wanted answers on why she was in the human world and not here with her family.

"my name is pein, but call me leader-sama" he said to get a nod from her as she look around the office.

"where are we? by the way"

"my hideout. come meet the rest of the team"

rue nodded again walking out the door behind the leader as she sigh lookin around the place. she know it's a cave like place cuz of little light in there.

rue started to hear nosices up ahead and she knew that thats where his friends or coworkers are.

once he enter the place turn quite so she rise a questionable eyebrow on how much they fear him or something. she look at everybody in the room and feel nervous but she hold it down for awhile or till she get to go somewhere where no eyes watches your every move.

"who is that a house maid" a girl with long red hair said coldly as she stared at her angry so rue look behind her confuse then back at her glaring back. who she think she glaring at?!?!

"this is Rue Tokugawa and she be the new member here.....treat her well"

"I wouldnt that stupid bitch almost chop my fucking head off"

"If you didn't touch me some where that wasn't supposed to be touch than I wouldnt have kicked you and stomp your head in the ground to shut your stupid yelling you old piece of shit" rue yelled back with a anime vein on her forehead as she just look at everybody with a sheepish smile that she yelled and infront of the leader as well.

"uhhu oops" rue said with a smirk

"well now I don't see that everyday" a boy with long blond hair said making hiden yell at him.

"when you finish see me in my office and bring itachi with you" that's all he said to rue and left leaving her here with his friends or coworkers......wait who is itachi?

"would u both shut it so we can get this over with I want to go back to counting my money"

"that's all you fucking care bout you money hungry fend"

rue sweatdrop at this cuz she isn't going no where with this as she sighed really bored. how long are they going to yell at each other.

"you snow white looking bitch"

excuse me did she just say 'snow white looking bitch' is she looking for a fight cuz I'm not scared at all. rue turn to the same person that said that to see her looking at rue with hatred included her two puppy's.

"stay away from my boyfriend if you know what's good for you"

rue rise a questionable eyebrow wondering what is she talking bout..... her boyfriend.

"I don't know what you talking bout?" rue said

"I know what your talking bout bitch!!" the girl with short green hair yell at rue as she glare at her then snort

'"I have no time for this child play your just children in my eyes grow up would you" rue said calmly to get a death glare from three of them as the red hair girl charge toward rue fast. rue kind of panic cuz it happen so fast and rue couldn't think at all but her body act at her own as she duck swiftly kicking out her foot stopping the girl with green hair turning around and back hand the girl with long silver and red hair.

rue jump away from them pulling out her butterfly knife looking at them as the members stop what they doing to watch the girls fight over something or someone that rue doesn't even know and care bout.

"like seriously what is you guys problem you want to beat me up over someone I don't even know and wouldn't care for like is this how you idiots act over something i dont care for" rue yelled and glare coldly as she heard a growl from the red hair girl.

"shut up you maid your boring me your a bitch that's why leader send them to get you so you can just get fuck around and clean our mess maid" she yelled back to get the most deathly glare from rue and she never in her life been this angry at anybody she always calm and does keep her cool but not today not with these bitch telling here shit they don't know bout and rue isn't having that at all so rue charge them quickly grabbing the green hair girl and slam her down on the ground making the ground crack alittle.

rue turn around with her foot out knocking the silver hair girl down and slam her heel in her chest but the girl grab her foot and twist it painful as rue kick out kicking her face in the progress as rue throw her butterfly knife at the red head but she dodge to the left and charge toward rue quickly. rue kick the silver hair girl again and swiftly spin on here back and slam her foot into the red head face knocking her in the air as rue grab her feet and throw her into the two other girls rue get on all fours growling at them like a demon as she watched them carefully waiting for one of them to make a move.

"I will fucking end you you stupid bitch!!!" the red head said getting up and doing something with her hands rue grasp loudly knowing she doing handsigns. rue stand up quickly and stand her ground waiting as she finally bout to do it till a strong hand reach out and stop her by gripping her hand tightly making her cry out.

rue look up to see pein looking at them calmly but rue can feel he is really angry at them included the others that stand by and watch the fight happen and didn't do anything about it.

"what you think you were going to do miko" pein said in a deep and hard voice staring at her as she feel overpowered by him. rue sighed in relief that things could have get out of control so she softly glare at the others for not stopping a unwanted fight that she could have avoid.

"s-she was the one that started this with insulted me!!" miko said as rue glare at her with her left eye twitching.....this lieing bitch!!!

"yea and she started to go crazy and started to attack us for no reason" silver hair said as I growl under my breath not believing this at all.

"miko, lily and suko I understand you three but......" pein said calmly then look at rue as her jaw dropped and glare at the smiling girls, but what shock her was that he turn around and slap three of them to the ground as he glare at them coldly.

"I don't like to be lied to you you would be punish for it" he calmly said to them as they nodded they head as he turn to rue and swiftly move his hand as a follow me so rue did as she walked in the hall with pein she feel the stares and the glares on her back as she continue to follow him and rue know for sure that she isn't going to be able to sleep or do anything here without getting jump or kill in her sleep......can life turn for better.....I think not.

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