Chapter 4

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The first time you met Cat Noir was very baffling since it had obviously been the first time you had ever laid eyes on a real superhero. You had even gone to the emergency room just to make sure that you hadn't a concussion of any kind. According to any newspaper or website you had consulted, these sorts of things happened often, which had stressed you out to a level of suggesting moving back home, but you were forced to give up the idea after a rather wordy e-mail from your mother.

Alya, a girl Nino had introduced you to, had claimed that you were fussing over nothing but you adamantly insisted that she was simply too dauntless. After that incident with the conceited cat, you had gone out of your way to keep yourself out of trouble, which included getting most things home-delivered instead of going out and buying it, which left you with a lot of time to game.

The move had been exhausting and you had been pining for home during the first two weeks but aside from the regular super villain attacks, Paris was a nice place but you wouldn't know since you hadn't left your house in a week. You had been so busy with school work and gaming, you were forced to prioritize and forget about a few things, like that blinking light in the bathroom, or the stain on your carpet where you dropped some grape juice.

The company had given you a few days off, since you had done so well the past few days, rapidly beating most of the newest games on the market, which you had to pull an all-nighter to do. You had finished all your school work on the first two days of your 'vacation', since you were determined to lie-in for at least one morning. The weekend was coming to an end, but you had no need to return to gaming until Thursday.

With the new free-time and the growing to-do list, you decided to spend the last day of the weekend, getting groceries and such. You had planned to get out bright and early, so you could finish all of your chores dutifully and go home to chill out under blankets with some salty snacks with fizzy drinks to wash them down.

You ended up trying to postpone your errand to sleep-in, but your alarm wasn't having any of it. Predicting that you'd end up trying to neglect going out, you had downloaded an app that on stopped emitting the most annoying sound in the world after you took a picture of your sink.

You ended up cursing yourself as you clutched your howling phone, trudging to the bathroom.

After you had washed up, you felt remarkably less sleepy and your determination to get things done was the only thing fuelling you as you left the house on an empty stomach. You figured that, on the way to the grocery store, you could stop by a bakery and pick up a croissant or a pastry. It was a pretty pleasant morning; the sun was warm and the breeze was cool. It was rather boring, though, since you had no one to talk to, so you filled the silence by plugging in your earphones.

Since the rush only started at around noon, the grocery store was pretty empty which gave you a lot of time to buy things patiently and then stood at the billing desk to get your food and toiletries checked out.

You had tried to hail a cab but no car had stopped by you, so you had to lug your heavy groceries home. Whilst waiting for the lights to turn green at the zebra crossing, you pulled out a packet of gummies from your bag and began chewing on the sweet treat. You had wanted gummy dinosaurs but had to settle for bears since they were out of stock.

It wasn't until you heard screams of terror had you realized that the traffic system had been broken due to some or the other villain and you shortly wondered whether you should run to your house or just take cover in any nearby building. You chose the latter and took to the safe confines of the nearest apartment complex.

Once you were slightly settled, you pulled out your phone to keep an eye on the battle. It didn't seem like any of the superheroes had reared their supernatural heads up until now, unless they were planning, which seemed far-fetched since Cat Noir didn't seem the type. You anxiously waited for Cat Noir to appear so you could go home, and better yet, avoid a painful death.

Your prayers were answered after a few minutes later, when Cat Noir arrived and him and his partner began subduing the villain. You were more relieved than you had expected when you realized that they had been able to pull the villain far away from your hiding spot and even farther from your home. So, you and a few others, began leaving the building to get to your respective homes.

Hearing the destruction die down, you sighed before slowing down to catch your breath, you had broken into a sprint once you got out of the building to get yourself and, most importantly, your food to safety.

"Bonjour!" "Eek!" You squeaked, surprised at the sudden voice and ducked, covering your face and head.

"Woah, calm down, ma petite colombe." You turned to meet the familiar male, "Oh, Cat, it's just you." You panted, setting a hand over your heart.

"So, how's Mon Coeur?" He says charmingly, smirking when he mistook your red face for a blush, "Fine, and I've only been studying French for a few weeks so I'd really appreciate if you'd speak in English."

"Your apartment is pretty far from here isn't it?" He asked, and you replied with a hum.

"Do you want me to drop you?" He said but before you could answer, he snatched a bag from you and pulled you to him, jumping from roof to roof. You let out a dramatic gasp and wrapped your arms around his neck so tight, it couldn't be considered as an attempt of murder, which you were considering.

"Ow! Your pinching me!" You hadn't realized that your nails were digging into the material of his leotard. You didn't loosen your grip, though.

After what seemed like forever, he had finally set you down in your balcony and you foundered to the door, pushing down the handle with a shaky hand.

"I got it ma dame." Cat stepped in front of you and pushed open the door in a ridiculous act of chivalry, making sure to lock it behind him.

"Are you crazy?!" You shrieked, aiming a pillow at his head but instead it wacked him it the chest. You threw another at him, "You nearly killed me!" And another, "Geez calm down, amour." He cajoled as he caught your last pillow.

"I won't spare you the next time!" You huffed, pointing a finger as a warning, "Okay" He chuckled and you had an overwhelming urge to ask him just what was so funny.

Sighing, you hit him one last time before tossing the pillow onto your bed.

He cleared his throat, "Sorry."

His ring beeped, "I should get going, ma petite colombe. Au revoir." He pecked your cheek super quick and before you had a chance to whack him once again, he was out the window.

"Dumb Cat."

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now