Chapter 15

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When you woke up it was Monday, you had to return to school. You laid in bed, arms spread out, staring at the ceiling, tears welling in your eyes. You used to be Gamer Girl, notorious villain, one who came close to defeating ladybug and stole Cat Noir's ring, not that you remembered where she hid it.

According to Nathaniel, Gamer Girl wasn't bad at all, in fact, she was just trying to protect you, but when you thought about it, you just couldn't show your face again. You let the sunlight bathe you it it's golden sheen and counted particles of dust floating in the air. When the tears had finally blurred your vision you let yourself blink, the tears creating steaks from the corner of your eyes, flowing down the side of your head and then finally falling to your sheets.

Your mind was numb, and your eyes soon unfocused but you were brought out of your trance with a knock on your door. It wasn't just one knock, but many, the person behind the door persistently hitting their fist on your wood. You ignored the constant knocking and pushed the sound to the back of your head, trying to go back to sleep. Your plans turned into dust when the person combined the sound of your doorbell to it's ballad of irking noises. The space between your brows crinkled in annoyance and you waited a few minutes to see if they would leave before groaning and walking over to the door.

You swung the door catching the culprit mid-knock, a dark glare matching the scowl on your face.

"I thought I told you I wasn't coming to school today."

"And you thought I'd actually listen to you?" Nathaniel scoffed, coming inside with a paper bag. You didn't know what was in there but it was probably some food since you hadn't bothered to restock your fridge. 

Nathaniel was the only one who came to visit you while you were on leave and try and give you the will to bring your butt out of your bed before practically flinging you out of bed to take you to the bathroom to brush your teeth. He once pushed you into the bathtub and washed your hair while you were still in your pajamas.

Today, his goal was simple, but complicated to do; To get you to school.

"No! Nathaniel! I'm not going to school today!" You screamed as he dragged you into the bathroom.

"Alright, but you can at least brush your teeth, your breath is worse than anything you could ever smell."

"Clearly you loose your sense of smell every time you cook." Nathaniel scoffed and squeezed the tub of toothpaste.

"Hey! What the heck are you doing?! Who the heck squeezes the tube from the middle, you-ack!" He shoved your toothbrush into your mouth and began vigorously brushing your teeth. He then sighed, "No two people should be so close that one is forced to do this."

"No one invited you here." You spat into the sink and washed your mouth, you turned to leave when he grabbed your elbow.

"(Y/N), I swear to lord that I will shove your head into the drain if you don't wash your face."

You scoffed, "Please, my head would never fit there, that thing is the size of your brain you know."

He scoffed and turned the tap before washing your face for you. After you were done, he took you to the kitchen, "You know I don't appreciate you doing this but why are you doing this?"

He set your sandwich in front of you and began eating his own. "Because I know what it feels like to get de-evilized, it's not fun doing it alone, which is why I'm here for you."

Your eyes softened, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you woke up Nath."

He looked up at you, when his eyes met yours it seemed like everything was perfect, "You were the one who got me out of the trance, I could never thank you enough for that."

You smiled at him before digging into your sandwich, it wasn't anything special but since Nathaniel made it, it meant the world to you.

"You should probably go change, I'm not leaving your house without you."

You stood up, walking over to the sink, "Alright, so the both of us skip and watch movies then?"

Nathaniel made a face and you raised a brow, "It's not going to be so easy to get me to go anywhere near school."

Nathaniel then began to whine, "Come on! Don't make this unfair for me! I can't help you to change like I help you brush because.....because..."

He met your eyes and a dark blush fell on his face and he turned away frantically, slapping a hand over his mouth.

You laughed at him and he grabbed your waist, burying his head in your stomach. You gasped and a blush grew on your cheeks while you held your hands awkwardly mid-air, not knowing where to rest them.

"(Y/N), what are you afraid of?" You gasped at his question and let your hands fall to the top of his head, his red locks tickling your fingertips.

"I-I don't know, everyone, I guess, what will happen once I go there?"

Nathaniel was silent for a while before saying, "It's better to always face the world with a smile."  

You laughed softly at that, "I can't believe you." He lifted his head to meet your eyes and you frowned seeing the determination in his eyes, "What if they don't accept me?"

Nathaniel took your hand in his and kissed your fingertips, "Then I'll be right beside you and tell them that they're all missing out on someone amazing."

A laugh mixed with a sob escaped your lips and you wrapped your arms around his waist as he locked you in an embrace.

"Thank you."

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now