Chapter 6

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You frowned as your classmate, Nathaniel fell down, scattering his papers. You instantly got up from your seat to help him.

Before you could grab one of the stray sheets, Chloe did and nearly howled at the sight of 'Super-Nathan'

Your frown got deeper and you snapped at Chloe to give it back. Nathaniel, gloomily picked himself off of the floor and dragged his feet outside the classroom.

You glared at Chloe and snatched the sheet from her, following Nathaniel outside. What you didn't notice, was Adrien's green eyes blazing with jealousy.

"Uh, hey! You dropped this." You smiled gently and handed him his artwork. 

"You can just tear it up anyway, it's just a bunch of chicken scratch." He sighed, dejectedly.

"I don't think so," You objected, "You draw really well, Nathaniel, I'm sorry that happened to you."

He looked down, "Why does Chloe have to treat everyone like that?" His grip tightened on his pencil, to the point where it could have snapped.

"Woah, calm down." You said grabbing the pencil from him. Something sparked in Nathaniel's heart but he just brushed it off.

"Getting angry won't get you anywhere." He looked at you innocently, "How can you always be happy, even though you feel upset?" He questioned.

"Well, think of it my way, being angry will only sour your mood, it's not like being upset is going to change anything, right? So, it's better to always face the world with a smile." 

He smiled at you with admiration, "Thanks (Y/N), I really appreciate it." You grinned, "Anytime."


Adrien narrowed his eyes, as soon as you entered the room with a sweet smile on your face.

What exactly went on with Nathaniel, that you had to come back with a silly grin on your face? The one that you're usually giving his alter-ego.

Curiosity clawed at his stomach as he watched you take your seat and doodle absentmindedly on your worksheet.

What he would give at that second to slam Nathaniel against a wall and tell him that you were his.

He frowned, since when did you drive him this crazy? Whatever this girl did drove him crazy, in a good way.

Like just now, when she ran after Nathaniel. Sure, jealousy did claw at him but he admired how kind and selfless you were, even to a person you barely knew, considering no one who actually knew him made the effort of helping him up.

Adrien admired how caring you were to Cat Noir even. Though your completely oblivious, when you ask him about his day or whether he ate or if he was tired or hurt from saving Paris, or even asking how his kwami is doing, he'd just want to embrace you then and there.

Even though Cat Noir is incredibly sly, the truth was, you had him wrapped around your finger.

The school bell screeched signalling that the school day was over. You quickly grabbed your bag, slipped your worksheet into a side pocket after rolling it up, slung it over your shoulder and made your way out of the classroom.

Little did you know, a green eyed thief, sneakily snatched the worksheet from your backpack without you noticing.

He quickly unrolled the piece of paper only to see a heart drawn around some simple handwriting, 'Cat Noir~'

Adrien smirked in victory, he still had your heart.

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now