Chapter 18

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"Nathaniel, don't you think this guy looks funny?"

The red-head walked over to you to gaze at the man's picture at the end of your fingertip. Sure, he did look a little stiff and uncomfortable but if Nathaniel took a step back he could slightly tell that the guy in the picture was trying desperately to not pass gas. You turned to him with a familiar, mischievous gleam in your eyes, "You think it was painted by a bad artist or he looked like this in general?"

A wide smile spread on his rosy face as he saw you tip your head back and laugh. The two of you were goofing around in the museum, trying to keep your voices low but not succeeding. For the past few days, the both of you were constantly assaulted by the students at school and even the teachers didn't try to conceal the fact that they didn't feel sympathetic at all.

So, you went to the art museum, it was barely visited during the holidays and it seemed even more lonely on a school day. Everyone was at school or work, going about their busy lives except for you and Nathaniel. Between the high, tile-covered walls, you felt like you were the only two people on Earth.

You moved on to the next painting and the more you looked at it, the more you couldn't find anything wrong with it. It was clear that this was the most beautiful painting of a snow-covered mountain you had ever seen. The painting, captured magnificently in oil colours, was focused around the white peak, with the morning sun casting a soft pink glow onto the frozen ground.

You stared at it in awe, "This is gorgeous, isn't it?" You said without taking your eyes off it. Nathaniel nodded beside you, "Except for this little area here, it's pretty much the most realistic depiction I've ever seen."

You followed his pointer finger to the side of the mountain not facing the sun and felt the coolness of the shade on the small patches of greenery creeping about. You turned back to him, "I don't see it."

He pointed again, "See the slight discoloration of the mountain there? In the shade?"

You squinted hard and soon noticed it, the faintest colour difference on a rock near the base of the mountain, "In the shape of a weird keyhole?" You confirmed and he nodded.

"I didn't even see that, you're so awesome, Nath." You said and he blushed, "It's nothing, I've been here before and I stared at this for like a half-hour before realizing it." He admitted, pink dusting over his nose.

"Um, let's go there." He said and entwined your fingers (whether really in attempt to pull you away or just trying to have an excuse to hold your hand, you don't know) but you stayed put, "I wish we could go here, Nath, no one would trouble us like they do now." You said, without taking your eyes off the painting.

Nathaniel sighed, this trip was mostly to cheer you up and it seemed like it was doing well to distract you until now. He squeezed your hand lightly and you squeezed back and he suddenly said in a serious tone,

"Bet we'd find the Yeti there."

You rolled your eyes and chuckled at him and he turned back to you with a smile, "Let's get some lunch."

You breathed heavily through your mouth as steamed slightly wafted out of it

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You breathed heavily through your mouth as steamed slightly wafted out of it. Nathaniel shook his head, "Told you not to get the spicy kind." "But it looked so yummy!"

He rolled his eyes and passed you a bottle of water and after you chugged down nearly half of it, you turned to him, "I should've realized that fries that were as red as your hair was a red flag." You giggled. While Nathaniel chewed on his wrap quietly, you lightly shoved your plate towards him, "Want some of my fries?"

He raised a brow, "Are you actually going to share your fries with me?"

"Not if you ask that sarcastically I'm not." You said hotly and he chuckled, "Actually, no thanks, I don't really want a fire brigade gathering in my taste buds."

After thirty minutes of the both of you eating (and you trying to sneak a few of his potato wedges and him either swatting your hand away or pretending he didn't see you), you were both just resting and he began browsing through his phone.

Thinking the same, you reached into your bag to pull out your phone and your hand met with an empty space. A wave of panic washed through you and you frantically checked all your pockets and went through your bag twice ('At the speed of light!' Nathaniel swore).

"What's wrong?" His eyes peeked over his screen to see you frittering about.

"I lost my phone!" You panicked and began bouncing in your seat to get rid of nervous jitters crawling in your insides.

He rolled his eyes, "That's it? You lost your phone?"

"Hey! That phone is the most important thing in my life! -" You clear your throat, "After you, of course." Nathaniel pursed his lips, unconvinced but stood up anyway, pocketing his phone.

"Fine let's go look for it."

You jump up, "The person who finds it gets treated to ice cream."

"Must you turn everything into a competition?"

"Are you chicken?"

"No! For all I know, you could be bluffing and the phone could be in your pocket right now."

"Must you always accuse me?" You mock and he rolls his eyes, "I just don't want to buy you ice cream because you find your phone that you (probably) lost!"

"Then you better find it first!" You say and sprint away and he's quick to follow you.

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now