Chapter 26

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Even after being bundled up in Marinette's and Adrien's jackets and blankets and having a cup of hot cocoa, you were still shivering.

You sighed as you curled up to Adrien's side, relishing in his body heat. He turned his gaze to you, biting his lip before turning to the brunette, "Marinette? Can we have a moment alone?"

Marinette stiffened, she had been expecting it, she knew that the both of you held something much bigger than she'd ever get to share with him, but it still hurt her. She avoided his gaze, nodding and murmuring something in agreement before climbing down the ladder from her room.

Adrien, finally seeming to gain his courage from the Marinette's absence turned to you, "Where are we in the future?"

"In Paris."

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Too bad, it isn't my fault that you're asking terrible questions." You replied hotly, wrapping your blankets tighter around you.

Adrien sighed, running a hand through his hair, "In the future, we," He swallowed, "We're not together, are we?"

He held your gaze for a moment before looking away, he wasn't able to hold the weight of your stare.

You released a breath through your nose and answered quietly, "No. We're not."

He laughed bitterly, "I knew it, everyone I love, leaves me eventu-"

"I left because you didn't, Adrien."

He looked up so quickly, you were the one who got a whiplash"Who told you that?"

You sighed, "No one, I kind of just figured it out myself."

"Are you stupid?"

You scoffed, getting up, "Adrien, I can't explain it to you. You'll understand it when the time comes. I'm going to let Marinette in."

Adrien grasped your wrist, tugging sharply. The next few moments were gasps and rustles of the blanket you were wrapped in before you were on top of Adrien on Marinette's love seat.

His hands were clutching your fists towards his chest and you could feel the distant beat of his heart beneath your fingertips. His sharp gaze silenced you before you could even open your mouth. You just stared at him, feeling all your emotions ignite hotly within yourself.

For a while all you could see was him and all you could feel was the heat from his body. Your hair was falling beside your face and troubling you but you were too mesmerized to even move a muscle. He really was beautiful.

Adrien let go of your wrists when he was certain you wouldn't fight the feelings you felt towards him. He knew you wouldn't fight the flutter in the pit of your stomach that was rising as seconds passed.

Your hands immediately held your own weight, resting themselves on his shoulders.

He gently raised his hand to cup your cheek and you surprisingly found comfort in his warmth.

You never even could have imagined that you would ever feel so peaceful and loved with Adrien. With Chat Noir, it was a constant cycle of passion and tumultuous emotions, but with Adrien, it was gentle. Tranquil almost.

"(Y/N)," He whispered, pulling you closer, "I love you."

You smiled sadly, allowing him to frame your face with both his hands, "I know you think you do."

He shook his head stubbornly, "I do."

You brushed your lips lightly against his, feeling electricity shoot up your spine, "Adrien, I-"

He closed the space between you, pressing his lips to yours fervently and you gave into him, letting your hands roam through his hair. One of his arms encircled your waist to hold you tightly against him.

You drew away from him but he was quick to pull you against him once again, tilting his head and kissing you deeply.

"I love you." He murmured against your lips, his fingertips weaving themselves through your hair.

"You...don't" You mumbled, letting him coax your mouth open. Slowly, your strength of mind was slipping and you continued to kiss him, pulling him closer.

You felt love and attraction bubble deep within yourself. It felt like the past was nothing compared to the feeling when his lips were on yours. You could only feel his skin touching yours and his breath mixing with yours.

Your body wanted to give in, but your mind tried to stay firm, keeping yourself from falling too deep.

But soon, all the passion you felt for him was quickly overwhelmed by betrayal and hopelessness when you realized that he held true love with ladybug, not you.

You breathed in sharply, trying to bring your mind to sanity and drawing away from him. Adrien whimpered, realizing that you wouldn't return his feelings.

"I can't." You whispered, setting your hands against his shoulders and pushing yourself away from him.

He gently caught your lip between his teeth, "Please."

You moved off him, creating a distance between you and he sat up, "I can't."

"Why? Why won't you tell me what I did wrong." He breathed, voice breaking slightly.

"Because you'd try and change it."

"You don't want me to change it? You don't want us to be happy?" He asked, finally meeting your eyes. This time it was you who couldn't hold the weight of his stare.

"If you change it, it's at the expense of something very important to me."

He sighed, "You really love Nathaniel, don't you?"

You nodded, without missing a beat and you didn't miss the way his shoulders slumped, "It doesn't mean I love you any less."

You stood up, shedding the blankets, "But it doesn't change the fact that you don't love me."

"Why do you think you can decide my feelings for me?"

You sighed, choosing not to answer his question and instead walked over to the ladder, "Marinette, you can come up now."


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