Chapter 10

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The morning when Gamer Girl woke up, she was excited, very excited. The first day in a full body, being able to walk around and most of all, make up a plan to bring Chat Noir and his bugga-boo down. GG wasn't going to go easy on them, not at all. She wanted to bring them to hell, her heart burning with hatred and she didn't even know why. All she knew was that she saw red every time she thought of that moment.

GG didn't really have any memories, other than the night she got evilized, but there was a picture burned into the back of her mind, the sight flashing in her head whenever her mind seemed to go black, it was unnerving, the picture of the feline hero on top of the pig-tailed girl. 

The sight brought a burning feeling in her throat and she felt like throwing up. She doesn't remember why though. Another thing that GG knew was that she, as for now, was not permanent and if she wanted it be she would have to do a good job, because she never wanted to give control back to (Y/N).

(Y/N) in the meanwhile was enclosed inside her, in a daze, a deep slumber and she wouldn't wake up until GG's connection to the earth was broken.

The villain took a couple of steps around her body's room. It was simple, but it suited her. She walked over to the closet and cringed as she saw the clothes. Most of it was denim and blouses but all of it looked too elegant, too graceful, too colorful and definitely not something that GG would wear. Looking at all the colors made her head hurt. She quickly went through all the clothes, finding something appropriate, after making some alterations.

 She quickly went through all the clothes, finding something appropriate, after making some alterations

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GG looked at herself in the mirror, readjusting the heavy leather jacket. This was the first time that she had the freedom to dress herself, with her own body, with her own outfit choices, without (Y/N)'s usually bubbly personality. Her look gave off an intimidating vibe, as though she is someone who should be feared. GG looked away from the mirror, grabbing her book bag and leaving.

'You should be looking for Chat Noir and Ladybug but instead you're strutting around like a fool!' Hawkmoth yells in her head and GG groans and thinks, 'Patience Hawkmoth, all good things come to those who wait.' She thinks maniacally.

GG walks through the school halls confidently, the shocked stares going unnoticed and left without any response. It was a little disgusting, how they had nothing better than to ogle at (Y/N)'s body. Getting irritated, GG yells, "Don't you people have anything better to do than to stare at me all day, you bunch of useless freaks!"

Murmurs around the hall spread like wildfire and the villain rolled her eyes and walked away, sunglasses shading her annoyance. After some walking around she was able to find her body's class. All the students stared in shock at her new appearance. 

"What are you staring at." She snapped, a tall boy standing in the back snickers before answering, "Something ugly."

The rest of the class giggles and she answers, unamused, "Do I look like a mirror to you?"

Without another word, she took a seat, throwing her bag onto the floor, "(Y/N) are you alright?"

She looked up to see a red-headed boy staring at her, concerned. "Peachy, why?" She scoffs.

"You're acting a little weird," He says, looking at her cautiously and she takes off her sunglasses. He gasped and she let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Your eyes! They're purple!" "Contacts, bro." "Oh."

GG looks down at her desk, not really paying attention to the boy infront of her.

"(Y/N) are you sure you're doing alright?" He asks putting a hand on her shoulder, "If this is about Chat Noir-"

"Don't mention his name infront of me!" She snapped and he retracted his hand. GG stood up, purple eyes blazing with hatred, inside burning with a dark passion and mind itching with bad intentions. She wished she had a dagger in her hands, the urge to kill someone overwhelming her. The boy infront of her yelped and backed away and she rolled her eyes.

"Move back to your seat, fool." She spits before sitting down and swinging her feet over the desk, shading her eyes once again. Just as she thought that the irrelevant drama had come to an end, a girl with blonde locks tied up sauntered into the room, nose high in the air.

"What are you doing here (Y/N)? This is my seat." She sneers but GG only looks up long enough to insult her, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in at a circus? Or better, locked up in a box so I don't have to see that unsightly face. Now please put a paper bag over your face, because I think I might puke."

The girl gasps and juts out her hip before shrieking, "My daddy will hear about-" "Didn't you hear me? I told you to cover that crime you call a face! Is that ponytail cutting off the blood circulation to your head! Now get lost before I make your face look even uglier than it is already."

GG slammed her hands on the table and the girl jumped back. Sitting back on her seat, she picked at her nails, swinging her feet over the table.

'Gamer Girl! What do you think you're doing?! Stop wasting your time at this place, you imbecile!' The girl growled, 'Stop doubting me alright? I don't need you, if I wanted I would happily go back to (Y/N)'s mind, it's in a better state now than last night. She didn't even want this, you're just a nut who is abusing her heart for your own evil.'

She heard the man's chuckling, 'Oh, but how do you know that (Y/N) didn't want it, don't you remember?' Her eyes widened and little by little memories belonging to (Y/N) poured into her head. 

5 years, 10 years, slowly the memories dripped into her head like water until she had all 15 years of her memories. All the memories flowed into her mind, her brain recognizing every bit, until came the memory of last night. The memory pounded against her skull, her brain felt like it was being stabbed and GG had to hold her head to keep herself from loosing consciousness.

(Y/N) clutched a pillow to her chest, crying and crying till she had no tears left to shed. She sobbed and fisted the material of the shirt covering her heart. Hair falling against her eyes, obscuring her intent. She whispered a few words, they were muffled and slurred and her throat was dry, keeping her from completing her words.

"Please, please, stop this pain." She begged, pulling her knees to her chest, "Please someone help, I want to stop loving him, I want to..." She lost her words as an akuma vanished into her skin.

"I want to make Chat Noir pay." She says before her (E/C) orbs faded to purple.

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now