Chapter 22

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A few minutes after the light had subsided you were left rubbing your eyes and trying to banish the spots from your vision. You blinked multiple times and once your vision had returned you looked to Nathaniel with a confused face.

He was as confused as you were, looking at his watch with a slightly fearful face. You looked back at yours and tilted your head with furrowed brows. The crown was pulled out, which wasn't before.

Sighing, you twisted it to the current time, looking at your phone for the exact time. Nathaniel did the same. When you pushed it down, the watch pulsed with excitement and out flying came-A Kwami.

Your eyes widened, was this a miraculous? Like the one that Lady Bug possessed?

Your lower jaw hit the floor as you watched the magical creature swirl around in joy with its fellow kwami that had emerged from Nathaniel's watch.

The two creatures finally separated and stood before you, expectantly. This gave you the time to inspect them, they both looked like a pair of phoenix'. The one that had emerged from your pocket watch was mainly golden with silver accents twisting on its wings and back. The other one looked the same except with opposite colors. Of course.

"What the hell are you?"

Nathaniel definitely had the right choice of words.

"Nathaniel, they're Kwami, they come from miraculous'." You whispered and he turned to you with wide eyes, "You mean like Lady Bug?!"

You hadn't needed to answer.

"Yes, and no," Said the golden one, "We are Kwami, but we are not similar to the one's that Lady Bug possesses."

"Yes!" The other one piped up, "We cannot transform you into any being, we are simply guardians of the watches you possess."

"Guardians?" You asked, holding up your watch.

"We teach its owners of its powers," Said the silver bird, inching closer towards Nathaniel, "You, master of the silver-"

"Nathaniel." He coughed.

"You, Nathaniel, can travel to any time you please."

The golden bird flew right in front of you, "As can you, master of gold."

"My name is (Y/N)." You muttered, "If we both have the same abilities, then why do they look different?" You questioned.

"Before that question is answered, you must know another reason as to why we differ from the other miraculous'." Spoke the silver bird.

"In contrast to the other miraculous, we can only be used 12 times by each user. As you use them, the numbers will start to disappear and when your 12 chances have been completed, we shall leave."

"Why?" You blurted before you could stop yourself.

"The power to control time is one too great to be possessed by humans." Said golden, gravely.

"Why do they look different?"

"These watches were created by one person. She had intended to create one to travel to the past and one to the future, which is why they have been disguised to suit the times, but when one had travelled with an evil intention, the other one couldn't follow. Which is why, when one creator had gotten it back, she had changed it to travel to any time."

You nodded, "What's your name?"

The golden Kwami perked up, "I am called Bhoot." "And I am Baavi."

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