Chapter 11

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'Get up! Get up! Get up, you buffoon!'

GG groaned and reached over to smack the alarm clock on (Y/N)'s bedside table. The voice kept growing louder and louder, eventually cursing madly at her and she banged her head against the head board to stop it. Her groggy mind was overtaken by sleep and it took her some time to realize what was going on, even with the foul mouth voicing obscenities echoing in her mind.

She groaned again and slapped a hand over her forehead, rubbing lightly to sooth the pain. She her mouth was pressed into a straight line, the corners of her mouth turning and soon turning into a scowl.

"Shut up!" She screeched, the voice stilling in her subconscious.

"I swear, hawkmoth, you have to stop that, I do not need your wake up calls." She hissed. "I will get the job done a lot quicker without you ugly voice in my head. I first need to find out who possesses the miraculouses and if you only come on my head when I call you, I will make that my top priority, I promise." She said, trying to form a deal.

"Oh, a promise from a villain, that holds a lot of meaning." Says hawkmoth sarcastically and GG growled

"Hawkmoth, stop playing around, you know perfectly well that I am capable of performing the task without you bugging me. If anything it makes me more cranky." She said, furiously scratching her head in frustration.

"Alright Gamer Girl, but in 3 days you better have done something worthwhile." The pounding in her head dulled and the voices stopped echoing. GG sighed and slouched against the bed post, gently massaging her temples.

Turning over to her alarm clock, she read the time as 8 o' clock, this was roughly the time that sh'ed wake up for school. Walking to the bathroom, she picked up the toothpaste and began her morning routine.

There were a lot of things that GG found despicable in (Y/N)'s house like her clothes and eating choices, she longed to have some juicy bacon in her mouth but her fridge was stuffed with veggies and fruits making it impossible to satisfy her cravings but on the other hand, she found some of her belongings quite adequate, like her large, round bathtub with water jets, her blueberry scented shower gel and her cherry perfume.

While being a child, (Y/N) had still accomplished a lot so she GG wasn't surprised when she saw a 80 inch TV in her living room and the finest furniture that anyone could afford. Though most of your stuff was expensive, you kept things simple.

After her bath, the villain wrapped herself in a fluffy black towel, relishing in the teasing touches of the fibres on her skin. She applied lotion to her skin, usually she wouldn't have cared but the calm atmosphere in the house allowed her to take her time. After changing into a pair of ripped black jeans and a plain while tee, slipping on a black jacket and chilling on the couch. There was still time.

Sleep seemed to catch up to her and she felt her eyelids getting heavier before her stomach growled, a burning sensation waking her. She groaned and walked towards the fridge, pulling out some milk. She spooned some cereal in her mouth, stuffing as much as possible in there before washing it all down with milk, drinking straight from the carton. She continued chugging until the carton was empty and  she threw it into the trash.

Grabbing her phone off the counter, she put on some converse and slammed the door behind her. 


GG yawned throughout English, took a nap during Social Studies and now was doodling in Math. She had just about enough of this. Throwing her pencil in her bag she raised her hand, resting her head on the other one. She was about to put her plan to action.

"Yes Miss (L/N)?" The teacher put her attention on her, "May I use the restroom?"

"What for?" GG rolled her eyes, "To open the Chamber of Secrets! What do you think?!"

The teacher went red from either embarrassment or anger and retorted haughtily, "Yes you may use the restroom, and excuse yourself and your attitude to the principal's office after that."

GG grabbed her bag off the floor and on her way out she mumbled, "Weak reply."

Walking into the principal's office, GG casually took a seat in front of his desk and kicked her legs up. Mr. Damocles wasn't amused at her sudden change in behavior. GG once again payed no attention to his lecture and instead took something out of her bag. A game controller.

She pointed it at the principal and switched it on, Mr. Damocles immediately stopped speaking, his eyes unblinking and just stared at nothing in particular. She got up from her seat and locked the door to his office, pushing him out of his big chair and accessing the security surveillance camera footage. She rewound to a few weeks ago and pressed play, it was the day the school was attacked by the horrificator. She rewound to before the super heroes had shown up. She remembered that the school was closed off by the weird indestructible goo. 

She opened the footage of all the camera's filming from different parts of the school. She pressed play and saw some of the students rush into the very office. This was roughly the moment that Ladybug had shown up.

As Marinette stepped out of the office alone GG held her breathe and turned up the volume. Her eyes glowed in joy when she saw the red kwami fly out of her bag before she left her phone on the ground and transformed into her alter ego. Gamer Girl was practically radiating joy by now and she squealed, changing the cameras to spot Chat Noir. Her heart was beating wildly and she chewed on her lip, going through multiple shots of the day before finding the classroom from where Chat Noir had emerged.

Adrien. Her eyes had trained on his figure, the way his posture changed after his transformation, the look of his eyes changing and the tone of his voice. Her held a smug smirk instead of a cheery smile, it was like his alter ego was completely reinvented. She almost couldn't believe it.

Though her alter ego was way different too, (Y/N) had no control of her body's actions, while Adrien did. It seemed like he would never have the courage to hurt (Y/N) and then Chat Noir was a completely different story. He concealed his personality well, GG would have to keep an eye on him from now on.

She felt ecstatic, finally figuring out the true identities of the heroes. She closed the tab, and opened a new folder. This new information would have to wait. For now, she was going to find out the answers to her next test.

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now