Chapter 8

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Your fingers glided across your keyboard, stopping very so often to look at what you typed.

You were sending an E-mail to your mother, telling her how you're doing here. She was concerned about the constant attacks at Paris, but you convinced her that there were superheroes that took great pride in saving their home.

After sending the E-mail, you switched off the lap top and pushed it across the desk.

It was very chunky and heavy, a model sold a few years ago but you had refused to throw it away.

Cat would always look at the old laptop and laugh saying that it was as old as his history text book and you would remind him, saying that it was a history text book he was talking about and not history itself.

You took out another laptop, one you used specifically for school, since it was smaller and easier to carry around.

You had three laptops; one for school, one for your website and one one just for time pass.

You had a report due tomorrow and you had to add some pictures before printing it.

Just as you grabbed your other laptop, Cat came in through the window, giving you a heartfelt greeting.

You returned it and continued with your work, making idle conversations with him.

He laid on your bed before spotting your old laptop wasting space on your medium sized desk. He snorted at the look of the outdated and heavy piece of technology on your table and asked why you ever had that hunk of junk.

You swiveled in your chair to look him in the eyes and said, "Easy, because, I got that with my very first salary."

His eyes widened, he didn't expect that a piece of metal and wires would hold a place in your heart, but then again, he should've expected it.

Though you acted like a child, you were very mature, one of the reasons your mother allowed you to stay here was because you knew how to handle yourself and money problems.

She hated to admit it but your gaming site had actually helped you become a very confident woman, though she would've liked the extra maturity coming from something a little more zealous she was really prod of the woman you had become.

You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, feeling cats eyes bore your back. He shifted his gaze to your walls. No one would suspect that this room belonged to a sixteen year old.

Your walls were clad with a simple textured stone wallpaper one side, just behind the headboard of your bed.

The rest of your walls were stark white, the windows black and shielded by scarlet shutters.

Your back faced the bed as you sat in your high back, red and white racing gaming style leather swivel chair. Searching for pictures as you rested one hand on your African black wood desk.

Cat got up and his feet lightly tapped against the hard wood floors.

He inspected your desk carefully, seeing a drawer hastily closed a piece of paper for wedged between it, a few folders, most likely with worksheets and/or important contracts or certificates.

A small vase with a few blue and purple orchids and the white rose he had given you. Cat blushed lightly seeing the rose taken care of.

A picture of your family in a blue photo frame sat next to the yellow vase and Cat picked it up, admiring your family, you holding your fathers hand and giving the camera a toothy grin while your mother held your baby brother in a pastel blue onesie.

He sat it down and returned to your bed, setting his head on the white pillows and snuggling into your red duvet.

He took a glance at your bedroom again, he would expect some one like your mother to live here but instead found you.

During this time he had got to know you, he learned that even though you might not seem like it, you were passionate, your website and fans were always your top priority.

You were stubborn but kind and generous. You never put yourself ahead of others and you are never able to say no to someone who sincerely needed your help.

Even if you did speak your mind often, you spent most of your energy observing people, just sitting quietly and seeing how people handle stress, joy or sorrow.

He also learned that even though you were generally a noisy person, you appreciated a calm and quite place.

Most of all, he learned that you were willing to try out new things and that you got your happiness from someone else's.

However you felt didn't matter if you saw someone unhappy and you immediately tried to brighten their day. Since you were here, you had stopped several civilians from getting akumatized.

This was what Chat admired most about you; your selflessness and courage. Even though he had super human abilities he felt that you were the real super hero.

You switched off the laptop and stretched your limbs, becoming slightly satisfied after hearing some pops.

You swiveled around with a smile on your face and looked at Cat.



It sure has been a while huh? *nervous laugh* sorry I kept you all waiting but I was just taking up reading a bit more so I could write better.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise you that I will post more.

I'm open to suggestions so if you do have any please comment below.

I really appreciate your views, comments and votes, so thank you for supporting me and I hope I will be able to live up to your expectations of this book.


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