Chapter 7

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Cat let out a frustrated sigh as he collapsed on your bed.

"Are you okay?" You asked, concerned.

Cat shook his head, "No, I'm not." He answered.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" You asked, suddenly getting worried.

"No, no it's not that. You know the Evillustrator right?"

"Who, Nathaniel?" You asked innocently and Cat paled, "You know who he is?" 

"Doesn't everyone?" You sat next to him.

"Aren't you ever worried?" You looked at him with your (E/C) eyes, sincerity clearly shown through, "I trust you to take care of him, Chat. I trust you, with my life."

Cat's throat went dry, realizing that Cat was flustered, you quickly looked to the side and blushed.

"So what about the Evillustrator?" You looked back at him.

Cat nodded, getting back to the topic, "The thing is, we couldn't find his akuma." 

Your eyes widened, "Wouldn't it be in his pen?" You asked.

Cat shook his head, "We already tried that. We tried his sketch pad too and also his beret." He sighed.

You looked at him with worry. He noticed this and grinned, "But don't worry, I asked my kwami what to do."

You let out a sigh of relief and you back slumped.

"Plagg said that the kwami was absorbed by his body." You quickly put the pieces together and looked at him with disbelief.

"So, you have to...." You trailed off. 

Cat seemed to understand and immediately jumped, "N-No! Right now, Nathaniel's in a hypnotic state, so we need someone to snap him out of it. So me and ladybug thought of you."

"M-Me? Why me?" Cat blushed before answered, "Y-You're in the same class right?" He asked looking away.

"Y-Yeah, but you should ask Marinette, he has a crush on her." You informed.

"Uh, not anymore." You raised a brow.

"I, sort of, used her as bait." He grinned nervously.

"Cat!" You said, sternly. 

"I know, and I'm sorry, but I had no other choice." You let out a sigh.

"What I have to do?"

"Just try and snap him out of it." 

"Alright, but when I'm talking to him, I don't want anyone in the room. Okay?" 

Cat looked at you like you were crazy. The Evillustrator was a villain, who would probably hurt you if you tried to do anything.

And! Cat did not want you anywhere near him when he's normal, there was no way!-

"Cat, please, if you say that he'll snap out of it because of me, why would he hurt me? Just trust me."

Cat put his hand over yours, "It's him I don't trust."

You smiled gently and pecked him on the nose, "I'll be fine, I promise."


You were waiting outside a warehouse, from where many explosions were heard.

Cat and Ladybug were currently trying to corner the Evillustrator. The plan was to take his pen and tie his arms behind his back.

The loud sounds were finally subdued and you heard things settle down.

The door swung open revealing Ladybug with a hopeful expression. She lead you inside and you say Cat. 

He looked at you with concern before smiling and leaving with Ladybug, shutting the door behind him.

You turned to the Evillustrator who was tied up to a chair.

"Hey Nathaniel." You breathed out. "I'm not Nathaniel!" He growled, attempting to break free from the restraints.

"Nathaniel, are you okay?" You asked, "For the last time, I'm not Nathaniel!" He snapped.

"Okay, Evillustrator, are you okay?" You asked, afraid to take a step forward.

"Yes, I'm tied to a chair, stuck in a room with an annoying girl, sure, I'm just peachy." He spat.

You spent the next few moments in silence, "Why are you like this? Why do you want revenge?" You asked.

He looked hesitant before answering, "I was upset." "At?" 

"Chloe, Marinette, Cat Noir. It just seems like everyone in this world is trying to sabotage my happiness."

You sucked your teeth, "That's tough but being angry will only sour your mood, it's not like being upset is going to change anything, right? So, it's better to always face the world with a smile."

His eyes widened and he looked at you, "(Y/N)?" He breathed.

You grinned, "One and only." 

His cheeks started to loose the purple tint and he let out shaky breaths.

You quickly untied him and he fell right into your arms, as you watched him slowly transformed back to a familiar face.

You laid his head in your lap and you smiled. Nathaniel was back.

A butterfly lightly marked itself onto the side of his neck, giving itself a purple tint, but you being you, did not notice it. 

This is where the actual plot starts. Hope you enjoyed and this is the symbol on the side of Nathaniel's neck.

 Hope you enjoyed and this is the symbol on the side of Nathaniel's neck

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