Chapter 25

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Your lips were bitten raw as you waited for Nathaniel. The Nathaniel from the past was tied up in the warehouse behind you and your past self was still in there with him.

It was only Bhoot's reassurance that he was indeed in this timeline that was keeping you sane.

"Please come." You whispered, screwing your eyes shut. You could feel the spandex of both superheroes suits against your arms and knew that they heard you but continued not to say anything. They were clear about the plan, now the only thing to do was wait.

You weren't sure if you were lucky that you didn't have to wait long.

The boat that Nathaniel had used earlier to woo Marinette was approaching down the river and you could hear the ripples of the water. Nathaniel materialized at the other side of the river like you had expected him to. He swiftly dragged his pen across the pad on his arm and a bridge appeared right in front of you.

Overcoming your initial fear, you managed to carry yourself towards Nathaniel. No matter if you were, you couldn't be afraid of him. You could never do that to Nathaniel. You eyed the watch on his wrist.



"That's not who you are, Nathaniel! You were able to overcome Evillistrator once before and you can do it again!"

"I said you'd have to chase me, didn't it? Giving up now would make it too easy on you."

Before he could raise his hand to spin the dial, you had tackled him, ripping the drawing pad off his arm and threw it to the floor, shattering it.


The bridge beneath your feet disappeared and Nathaniel and you fell into the freezing water below. Your breath escaped yours in a gasp and your body felt numb from the cold.

You quickly pulled Nathaniel a few feet underwater, restraining his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist just in time for the boat to pass over your heads, narrowly missing you by a few inches.

Your body trembled and Nathaniel went limp in your arms, your mouth opened beyond your will and water flooded your lungs but before you could let your eyes close, you managed to turn the dial on Nathaniel's watch a few second backward before doing the same for you and pressing down.

You were standing on one side of the river, falling to your knees as you coughed up water, gulping down breaths of air and hitting your chest to get all the water out.

"What the heck happened?!" Asked Chat, wrapping an arm around your soaked body.

"Where's the me from the past?" You asked Bhoot breathlessly, who flew out of your shirt pocket, "There isn't one." "What do you mean?"

"There can be only 1 time-travel device, so when you travelled back, you were put in your past body."

You nodded and looked across the river but Nathaniel was no where to be seen. You sighed, "Must've gone too far in the past."

You sighed, leaning back into Chat Noir's arms and taking deep breaths. He rubbed your arms, pulling you off the floor, "Come on, let's get you dried off."

"But what about Nathaniel?"

"There'll be other times, lets just get you warmed up."


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