Chapter 12

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The same afternoon GG was strolling through the halls during her free period after spending four of them inside the principal's office, giving herself a pat on the back for discovering the secret identities of the masked heroes of Paris.

She casually walked to the cafeteria and got herself a cookie to reward herself, taking a big bite and letting the crumbs fall onto the floor and ground. She pushed her hair out of her eyes and began to look for a certain blonde.

She knew for a fact that her class had a free period now since the teacher was absent and their were no substitutes. She walked casually to the library and pushed open the door, a few people directed their attention to her but soon returned to their books.

She turned her head slowly, letting her gaze train over a few figures before settling on a blonde  hunched over a book at the table. She scoffed at how normal he seemed and walked confidently towards him before sliding in the seat next to him, a fake smile plastered on her face.

He looked up at her, startled. Obviously he wasn't expecting her to plop herself in the seat. A sheepish smile appeared on his face and he blushed. GG rolled her eyes mentally at his response, he was so good at acting, either Chat Noir was a fake or he was, either way, his life isn't real.

"Hi Adrien, I was wondering if I could have the maths notes, since I missed class?" GG gagged at her own politeness but sucked it up as he reached into his bag to pull them out. She eyed the silver ring on his finger like a prize. He held out the notes for her to take and she gently took it out his grasp, allowing her fingers to brush over his.

No more words were exchanged and she got up, smirking as she strutted out of the library.


"There is a huge robbery taking place in the museum with the thieves using the citizens trapped in there as leverage for a safe g-" Marinette switched off her television and threw the remote on the couch and her kwami flew out,  making eye contact with her.

"I know Tikki, Spots On!" With a bright flash of light Marinette was replaced with the beloved hero of Paris and she swung her yo-yo before jumping out of her apartment. 

Adrien also happened to be watching the broadcast and immediately jumped to his feet, calling for his kwami, put their was not reply and certainly no transformation. Confused, he called his kwami again but again received no reply.

He looked down at his hand only to discover that the silver band around his finger had disappeared. Alarmed, Adrien began looking frantically for his ring, tears pricking at his eyes.


"Ladybug single handedly has managed to save Paris yet aga-" GG groaned and switched off the television before pulling out a band of silver from her pocket, twirling it about her fingers. She sighed, if Ladybug was able to defeat her without Chat Noir then everything she had done would have been a waste.

She could steal her miraculous too but even if she somehow managed to get her hands on her ears, she couldn't maneuver them quick enough to steal the pair of earrings. Besides, her kwami would signal her, Tikki was smart and alert but Plagg was lazy and probably asleep, which made her steal that much less impressive. Still, she rewarded herself with a cookie as soon as she came home from school.

She casually twirled it around her fingers before tossing it in the air and catching it. She got up and placed the ring in an old ring box she had found. She stuffed that in her pocket before slipping on some boots and walking out of her apartment, she needed to make sure that Chat Noir never came back, even if that meant not fulfilling her deal.

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