Chapter 5

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"Bonjour, ma petite colombe. (Hello my little dove)" Chat noir said, bowing and handing you a rose. You had rolled your eyes but accepted the gift anyway, looking at it fondly before setting it on the table. He swung through your window and set himself on your bed, bouncing childishly when he realized you were watching him. You turned back to your work when you realized that he wasn't going to speak.

Ever since the incident, every time there was trouble, Cat would come to check on you, which means he came and checked on you almost every day.

"How was school?" He asked absentmindedly, looking around your room casually. Your response was almost automatic, nothing really interesting had happened today.

"Fine. How was yours?" You asked in return and prayed he'd answer, "Nice try, princess." You released a sound of protest, "Come on!"

You turned, a pout on your face to meet his face. He hadn't hesitated to flash a victorious grin and even send you a wink. Ever since Cat had tried to convince you that it wouldn't be awkward if you dated since you didn't have that much of an age difference, you had relentlessly tried to find out how large that age difference was.

He hadn't been very lenient on your curiosity. Instead, he let you pursue your endeavour, with the punishment of infuriating teasing every time he caught on.

Laughing at your childish moping, he stood up to ruffle your hair before telling you with a remarkable cockiness that had you scoffing, that you would never be able to trick him. You had only rolled your eyes in response and turned back to your homework.

Cat had eventually given up teasing you and leaned against you, resting one arm over your head, to get a better look at your homework, which made you wonder whether he was going to tell you that you were wrong or if he was trying to copy your answers. Which had you contemplating whether you should hide it to taunt him.

Instead, you turned to him with a petulant glare, "How can I be sure that you're even French?" You accused and he rolled his eyes.

"Paw-lease, this level of charm is only possible by the most handsome of French men." He says and you gag at the pun he had the daftness to make. You suddenly begin thinking of puns to beat him at his own game.

You couldn't come up with something as dumb as a cat pun.

He sauntered around your room in a way that made you want to kick him in the shin. Sure, Cat was extremely chivalrous and suave but his careless and devil-may-care attitude had you pulling your hair. He was a very peculiar being and it was on the basis of that, you had asked your next question, "How do I know that you're human?"

He turned back to you with an annoying smirk stretched across his handsome face that had you sucking in a breath, "I could prove it to you if you want."

A furious blush spread across your cheeks and you released a disbelieving gasp, "Don't speak like that you perv." You said, giving him a pointed look. He laughed, a deep, sultry laugh that had a rash running up your neck, "I never meant it like that, you're the one who has a filthy mind."

You grumbled in disbelief and turned away from him, holding your pencil with such a grip that could have snapped it in more than half. You knew that Cat was quite enjoying your floundering, it had you pondering on how he was so slick, he had a witty reply to everything. Every time he had come to visit you, steam practically shot out of your ears, but he still had blushing at a simple gesture.

You reread the same question once again, your eyes raking over the words but it seemed that all of them had been pulled from your vocabulary.

He was just teasing.

You repeated those same words in your head like a mantra, attempting to shove Cat Noir to the farthest corner of your mind when he sat himself on your desk and snatched your book from in front of you. You huffed, but let him go through your homework without a protest.

The familiar feeling of redness crawled across your cheeks as Cat continued to sit beside you, obliviously skimming your work. It was safe to say that you had developed a crush on Cat due to his charming behaviour and you were quite confused whether you bickered with him as a defense mechanism or because he was just annoying.

One thing you were sure of, was that he was very well aware of your crush and he used every moment possible to tease you about it, which annoyed you more.

He carelessly tossed your book back on the table, making a comment about how your work was adequate, you rolled your eyes but picked up your eraser anyway as he began to announce which questions you had messed up on.

He turned back to you were a teasing expression and told you he would help, as long as you gave him something in return. You scoffed and ducked your head to hide your red face and he chuckled, it was always the same routine with him, he'd make you blush and then he'd make you blush again.

"No thank you. Your handwriting could look like a ball of yarn. Get it?" Even though you knew that your joke was weak, you looked up at him to gauge his reaction. He rolled his eyes but you noticed the way the corners of his mouth turned up in the slightest.

"Aw, don't be pawful, my handwriting is purrfect." You swore under your breath when you realized he beat you, again.

"Can't you let me have one day?"

"Not at all, mon amour." You glowered at him, how did he always manage to surpass you?

"Yeah, yeah, you dumb cat. Don't you have to leave anyway?" You say, pushing him towards the window, he didn't put up much of a fight. Instead, he turned around and shamelessly pecked your nose. You blushed furiously and gave him a sharp push, "Out!"

Slamming the window shut and drawing your shutters, you struggled to keep a small smile off your face.

"Dumb Cat."

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now