Chapter 27

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"I guess I have to leave now." You murmured, getting up from your seat, pocket watch in hand, "I set the time for a day I think Nathaniel may show up, but I can't be too sure."

Marinette and Adrien nodded before she took your hands, "Be careful." She muttered and pulled you in for a hug, "If you need our help, you know where to look."

You nodded and she pulled away, letting Adrien hug you. You tensed but wrapped your arms around him regardless.

"Please be safe." He whispered in your ear, warm breath tickling your neck.

You pulled away from him and took a deep breath, "Bhoot, you ready?"

He nodded adorably, setting himself onto your shoulder and you found yourself grinning back at him, energy surging through your body and hope of getting your friend back, "Let's get my brother back."

"Let's get my friend back." You muttered, smiling at Adrien and Marinette one last time, before pushing down and watching the world move forwards.

Once the blur of people stilled, you noticed the valentine decorations hung in the bakery and ducked your head to avoid a loosely hung banner, eyes darting to the chocolate mousse samples at the door before shrugging and taking a few.

"Is he here?" You asked, stepping out of the bakery and squinted because of the harsh sunlight.

"Hard to tell, but he's close." Bhoot replied, hiding in your pocket.

"Let's start looking then." You mumbled, scooping the sweet dessert in your mouth before throwing away the first cup and getting started on the second.

You roamed around in Paris like a tourist which admittedly was irritating. Finding Nathaniel was urgent and you didn't want to waste time but you couldn't do much when you had no idea where he could even be.

And if you did run around, you would most likely just spend your energy and be too tired to chase after Nathaniel if he did happen to show his face.

You thought that you would be really cranky and angsty since you had to go back to Valentine's day but on the contrary, you weren't as bothered as you thought you would be, mostly because everyone around you was so cheery and sweet that you felt like you were getting a cavity.

But it also happened to be one of the days that people gave free samples in hopes that you would buy their chocolates.

If the Parisians didn't hate you for the whole Gamer Girl incident, they most definitely would because you ate most of their merchandise.

You threw one of the wrappers and the toothpicks that came with one of the samples of the burgers as you came to the park, glancing at the terraces of the nearest building for Nathaniel before spotting your past self.

You cursed and ducked behind a tree, pretending that you were hiding from dark cupid, which in hindsight, you should have been doing.

Your eyes flitted between Chat Noir and yourself, cringing when you realized you'd be watching your heartbreak.

Ladybug arrived and used her yoyo to try and snare Chat Noir, and she succeeded a few times before he managed to escape it.'

You briefly spotted yourself moving away from the fight and your brow furrowed in confusion, a frown finding itself on your face as you watched the two heroes clash once again.

There was something wrong, you realized as you watched the fight scene with less concentration and tried to spot Nathaniel. He had messed with this day somehow, and you needed to find out what happened, what he did to change the course of the day.

Moving away from your place on the bench, trying to move without attracting much attention from the heroes and trying to track your past self, hoping you'd find the one responsible for changing today's events.

If Nathaniel was here, he'd be in a place that had to conceal him easily, because his current form would definitely freak out any pedestrians.

Biting your lip, you moved closer to a well-hidden florist stall and checked around it, trying not to look too suspicious but your head snapped back to the fight when you heard Chat Noir yell, "Cataclysm!"

Even from the distance you could see the fear and shock on Ladybug's face before trying to throw objects at him, so he'd be forced to use it on something else.

No matter how much you tried to brush it off, something just seemed different about this fight than when you had first seen it, something was just off.

Ladybug threw her yoyo at him at her last attempt and he managed to catch it with his other hand before yanking it closer using his elbow to grip it more steadily before he grabbed her neck with the cataclysm.

You screamed.

Um hi?

Um hi?

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Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now