Chapter 19

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Hey, all my faithful readers! I've made a new cover! I hope you all like it!

Hey, all my faithful readers! I've made a new cover! I hope you all like it!

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Your phone seemed like a lost cause since you had switched it off to avoid any distractions while you were with Nathaniel and you had absolutely no idea where you could have left it. Nathaniel suggested asking the staff to keep a lookout which you had attempted but they gave you the filthiest looks you had ever seen before emptily saying that they would contact you if they found it which made you absolutely sure that they were not going to look for it and they would not contact you of they ended up finding it.

Nathaniel, seeing how upset you were, had brought you into a hug, trying to reassure you that you'd find it and you sighed, snuggling into him.

He looked calculating, like he was trying to predict your reaction to something and you wondered what it was when the look vanished. He had obviously chosen not to do it. Instead, he looked at you from beneath his eyelashes and murmured, "Should I check the oil painting exhibit again? Maybe I missed a spot." You then shook your head, resting it against his shoulder, "Let's just stay like this."

Nathaniel had brought a feeling in you that was different from what you used to experience around that feline fiend. Cat used to make you feel like you should be glad, eager even, that he was visiting you, when he could be with anyone else. He made you feel like the luckiest girl in the world, like a peasant given a chance to marry a prince.

But, that feeling only emerged during that short time that he appeared at your window. Cat made you feel like a lover on her honeymoon, trying to get used to something new and while it did make you feel fluttery on the inside, you were so unsure, because as he left your house, you were never sure where that left you.

Were you going to keep meeting him like this, for your entire life? How could you fall for someone without the promise of something more, without the possibility of something else? For all you knew, Cat could just be coming to your house after meeting up with another girl, or, he could only consider you as temporary.

Cat made you feel in love, when he was around and anxious in the worst way, when he wasn't. You loved him, but you weren't sure whether you were in love with him.

But, with Nathaniel, it was different. You weren't sure how, but Nathaniel didn't make you feel like a princess, he treated you like one for sure, but with him, you both were just, normal, though you were considered far from that.

He held you close, like anyone else could.

He complimented you, like anyone else could.

He looked at you, like anyone else could.

Then, why did it feel so different?

He held you tightly, yet like you were a fragile flower.

He complimented you like he meant it.

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now