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Alright, I always try and restrict myself from updating during my period because my hormones go all over the place and I end up doing something completely not what I would usually do for example tell the entire world that I'm on my period right now and it sucks.

Seriously I just got it 2 hours ago and I've already ruined 2 pairs of pants. I think all the girls reading this can really relate to this. I was crying the entire morning cuz of the cramps and I took a painkiller which I don't usually do because I just hate it because if you take it frequently you either get used to it and it doesn't effect you or when you have to deal with real pain it just is amplified but this time I couldn't help myself. I couldn't even stand up without my knees buckling. It's absolutely terrible. I'm pretty sure a lot of people can relate, so if you do relate please comment with #torture. 

Thank you.

I'm going to regret this chapter in a week. XD

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