Chapter 13

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Gamer Girl smirked, hands on her hips as she stared at the super heroine standing in front of her with equal confidence. Blue eyes clashed with purple and the villain's smirk grew even smugger when she saw Lady Bug's eyes flicker away, unable to hold up the stare.

There was ample distance between them but the tension was still felt. Gamer Girl was standing with her back straight and head held high while the scarlet-clad superhero was pretty bent out of shape. The hadn't fought up until now unless you counted words.

"Just give up those earrings Lady Bug! Or is it Marinette?" She cackled as her opponent had stumbled, surprised and petrified that Gamer Girl was able to figure out her identity.

"H-How did you know that?" Pathetic, she didn't even try to lie her way out of it, not that anything she said would have convinced her. 

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" She giggled, "Well I can say that'll be the only cat here, I made sure of that myself." Her eyes widened and she got into a defensive pose.

"(Y/N), what did you do to him?" Her eyes flashed, "You have no right to call me that!"

Lady Bug walked forward, arms up like trying to coax a stray out of their hiding place. "(Y/N), don't let her take control, this isn't you." 

GG felt the pounding in her head, hearing the girl who put her in this position try to coax her out of it. They say that people who did wrong must make it right, but they never mentioned that some things will never be able to be reversed. The akuma's dark magic was now flowing through her veins, whether or not Gamer Girl was defeated and de-evilized, a part of Hawkmoth would always be in (Y/N)'s body and GG would always be a part of her soul and no amount of Lucky Charms or miraculous's would ever be able to change that.

Gamer Girl knew it was wrong to be doing bad from the hands of someone so innocent. It made her feel like she was tinging her, tuning her to her own will, like Hawkmoth had done with his past servants. It was lucky that Hawkmoth kept himself from dropping into her mind or else he would have tortured her the second he realized that she started to feel sympathetic towards (Y/N).

It was (Y/N)'s heart beating underneath the look and the evil in her blood and GG was trying her best to keep it from breaking.

She stared at the super heroine in front of her and immediately all the remorse and heartache that seeped out of (Y/N) had vanished and a heavy scowl appeared on her face.

"How can you even stand to act like Hawkmoth's the villain when you're the one who reduced (Y/N) to evil in the first place." Lady Bug backed up, shocked.

"Yeah, I remember what you did, you hypocrite." She walked closer to the cowering hero.

"The people are the ones who are evil, they had the damage that Hawkmoth did coming to them, they deserved it and Hawkmoth did the people who got hurt justice."

Gamer Girl crossed her arms over her chest and scanned her eyes over the pathetic girl in front of her, trembling and mouth hanging open. She rolled her eyes, "And yet you tell me that (Y/N) should come back, but you know what? I'll never let her hang around the likes of you, you broke her!"

"All the akumatized so-called villains are the guardians of the people hurt by your kind, we protect and serve but now I see that (Y/N) will never be safe around any of you. So why don't you just surrender your earrings and you can stop fearing someone who took down your kitty cat without powers." She deadpanned.

"(Y/N)," Marinette whispered, "I didn't know I had hurt you so much. I-I'm sorry, I don't deserve to call myself a hero." He voice cracked and GG stiffened but held her hand out anyway.

"You don't deserve to be one either, so hand them over." She said through clenched teeth.

"(Y/N), please come back." GG sighed, "She can't hear you, she can't hear anyone, trying to appeal to her is futile when I'm in charge, now, my arm's getting tired."

"I'll never see Cat Noir again." She whispered and GG shrugged, "Your loss."

"(Y/N)!" Two voices had called out at the same time and she froze, her mind itching to why she recognized one of them and why she reacted to the other. She slowly turned to face them, her eyes meeting two different shade of green.

"Nath." The whisper had left her lips but she hadn't intended to say it at all. Beside him stood Adrien, hands clenched beside him and face red.

Nathaniel's brows were furrowed and beads of sweat were rolling down his face.

"(Y/N), you need to listen to me." Her breath got caught in her chest and she backed away, putting one heart over her heart.

"You need to stop, this won't change anything," He urged, stepping towards her.

"I-I can't, she's not safe here and the akuma will still be within her." She whispered, scared at how she was reacting to his voice and how little by little (Y/N) was waking up from within her.

"I'll keep you safe, I won't let anyone or anything hurt you like this again." Tears sprung to her eyes and she stepped towards him, resting her forehead on his.

"She's scared," "I know you are." "I didn't say me." "But I know you meant it."

With a sob, GG rested her head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her waist, one hand cradling her head.

"Protect her." She whispered before her eyes closed and Nathaniel felt your entire weight leaning onto him. He fell to the ground, you between his legs, head resting on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around your figure.

Adrien had left in the middle of Nathaniel breaking GG down, unable to watch without his heart breaking of jealousy or betrayal. You stole his ring and took away his ability to help people, the only thing that gave him freedom and now he may never get it back. He felt so unsure.

But while lying in Nathaniel's arms, he had never felt more content, the feeling of your breathing on his neck sending tingles down his spine and your wisps of hair tickling his cheek.

Lady Bug stood in front of him and mumbled a thank you before leaving, not by using her yoyo but she carried herself in her own feet.

Nathaniel looked down at your face and grinned widely before gently pecking your cheek, letting you sleep in his warm embrace.


Wow it's been so long! It's been a whole month I think and now that school closed today I will try my very best to update often and absolutely make all of my readers happy. I'm so thankful to you all that you waited so patiently and waited for me to update, thank you to all my faithful readers and I hope this chapter had satisfied you all. I wish you all a lovely day and happy holidays. Stay safe and Healthy, Love you all.


Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now