Chapter 28

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Your breath was knocked out of you as you landed on your knees, a hand over your mouth.

The other citizens gaped as they watched Ladybug disintegrate, leaving her earrings behind.

Gasping for air, you hurriedly checked your pockets looking for your watch, hands shaking as you tried to find it.

Bhoot flew out of your pocket, grabbing the watch instead and carrying the weight on his head to show it to you. You grabbed the watch, blinking away tears as you rewound 20 minutes before pressing down.

The world went backwards—Ladybug reappeared, the fight ensued but in reverse and then finally it ended before it began, the people began walking backward until finally it was the beginning.

Getting up on shaking legs, you took support a bench beside you and tried to catch your breath.

"I have to do something," You murmured distractedly, continuously brushing strands of hair from your face and trying to get your head to stop spinning.

"That wasn't the Chat Noir you know, (Y/N)" Bhoot soothed but you couldn't hear what he was saying. A sinking feeling settled in the pit of your stomach and you couldn't shake the feeling away.

You couldn't believe it; you knew that when you got the responsibility of the watch that you would people could get hurt but you didn't realize how much bigger this actually was. A person died, a person who had a family, friends, a whole city, died.

And unless you did something, it would remain that way.

So, on shaking legs, you made your way away from the park, trying to find Nathaniel and stop him from doing whatever he did.

"We have to find him, Bhoot, and stop him." You breathed, gulping down breaths of air and trying to get your heart to settle.

"(Y/N), he isn't here."

And just when you thought your heart had settled.

"He isn't here?! What do you mean, he isn't here!?" You freaked out and then pretended you were talking on the phone when a pedestrian gave you a puzzled look.

"I can't sense him, (Y/N). He isn't here." He answered solemnly and you knew he was trying to comfort you by burying himself in your hand.

"Then how is it possible that Ladybug died? She didn't die in my time."

"It was probably because a master of time tampered with it. And if the master of silver did mess up the time stream," He hesitated before speaking, "Then it must have been you who fixed it."

You felt like a bucket of cold water was splashed over your head.

"So, to make sure that Ladybug lives, I have to die." Even though it sounds like you were asking him, it was more like realization dawning upon you. This is why you had the watch in the first place. It was your destiny.

"I'm sorry."

You shook your head, "It's for the best. Ladybug has a whole city of people to protect, I have a whole city of people who hate my guts." You laughed at the irony, "The villain is going to sacrifice it all. How rich."

Bhoot nuzzled your cheek, "Not the entire city. I've come to not dislike you."

You spared him a weak smile, "Thanks Bhoot, I like you too,"

Glancing at the spot where Ladybug dematerialized, you wondered if getting hit by the cataclysm hurt before cracking your knuckles, trying to look like a badass, "Let's do this thing."

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now