Chapter 24

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"I'm starting to think that moving here was a bad idea." You squawked nervously, and you wrung your hands.

Bhoot, who had complained that he couldn't rest comfortably in your pocket as your heartbeat was too noisy had long stopped listening to your mindless comments.

"Here's an idea, how about you follow that red-head and see if The Master of Silver will approach him."

"Hm? Y-Yeah, I-I'll do that." You hastily ran after Nathaniel who had already left the building. You had come just in time to see the familiar purple butterfly flutter over, it hovered innocently at first and then dissolved itself into Nathaniel's skin, casting a purple tinge.

"So that's how that happened," You whispered, "But where's his pencil?"

Bhoot flew out, "It's probably with your younger self." You turned to him with a raised brow and he sighed, "Why is it that I can remember your memories better that you? Weren't you watching earlier?"

You gasped, "I know how to fix this! We just go to the past and make sure that the pencil returns to Nathaniel, that way he gets de-evilized and then he can't turn into Evillustrator in the future!"

Bhoot ruined your little parade with his monotone voice, "What are you going to do? Run out and say, 'Give him back his pencil!' and risk exposing yourself? I cannot stress enough that you cannot change the past! Everything in your memories has to remain exactly that same."

You pouted, "Then what do we do?"

Seeing Bhoot smirk was as rare as seeing a blue moon, but here you were.

"Just because your memories have to remain that same, doesn't mean that things you didn't experience can't be meddled with."

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You waited nervously for the bell to ring for next period. If you remember correctly, Evillustrator would appear shortly after lunch, which meant you didn't have much time.

The bell took forever to ring and when it did, you wished it took forever and 5 minutes.

Students rushed out of the doors and only after seeing yourself leave, did you release a slight breath of relief.

The familiar head of golden hair had your stomach churning and you hesitantly stepped up to him, "Adrien, can-can I talk to you for a second?"

Surprised, Adrien nodded and stood in his place, so you could tell him. Glancing at Nino, who seemed equally interested, you quickly murmured, "In private?"

He nodded nonchalantly to Nino, who quickly clapped him on his back and left, not without waving sweetly to you.

"Yes?" Adrien smiled sweetly, and you bit your lip.

"(Y/N)? You okay?"

"I know your secret."

Your stomach churned nervously, and the insides of your mouth were roughly abused by your teeth.


"Let's go someplace private first." You said, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the school so you could talk to him in the park next door.

"Plagg, come out please." You pleaded but the kwami made no move to appear. Instead, Adrien did, "(Y/N), what on earth are you talking about?"

You were so desperate, you needed Adrien to trust you blindly, but you knew that wasn't possible.

"Adrien, please, quit playing dumb. I know you're Chat Noir."

The blonde's eyes widened, and he drew away from you. Running a hand through his hair, he took an unsteady breath, "H-How?"

"That's not the problem right now. I need your help, Plagg please come out."

Slowly, the black kwami floated out of Adrien's pocket. You bit your lip, taking a deep breath and pulling out your pocket watch from underneath your shirt.

The kwami's eyes widened, "Master of Gold."

"W-What? Master of Gold? What does that mean?"

The kwami turned towards his owner, "Adrien, she's a time traveler."

"Adrien, for now, just please turn into Chat Noir and call Ladybug. I need your help and we don't have much time."

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"There are two watches that was received by me and my friend in the future that allow us to time travel," You explained to the two superheroes, "Now, the Master of Silver was turned into a villain and now he's looking to destroy you." You say, locking eyes with Chat Noir.

"Why me?" "Not the point."

"He knows your identity too, so you can't transform back until this whole problem is solved, and most importantly, right after lunch Nathaniel is going to appear as the Evillustrator and go after Chloe. You absolutely cannot go up against him, it'll be a losing battle."

The heroine chewed on her lip, deep in thought, "So, what do we do?"

"Ladybug, you have to go against Nathaniel alone and capture him. He doesn't have an akuma."

"H-How is that possible?" "The akuma was absorbed by himself because the object close to his heart wasn't with him at the time."

The partners nodded, "So, what do we do then?"

You turned to Chat Noir, "This is the most important part. You need to go to the present (Y/N) and tell her that only she can break him out of his trance, because you used Marinette as bait."

You stood up, hearing the bell ring for lunch, "It's critical that Chat Noir doesn't face the Evillustrator and that he doesn't transform back into his alter ego. Please don't fail."

As you walked away, Lady bug called after you, "(Y/N)! If I may, who exactly is the Master of Silver?"

You sighed, feeling tears pool, "It's Nathaniel. The one from my time."

"Nathaniel? Why?"

"Because I made a mistake, one I don't plan on making ever again."

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