Chapter 9

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With Valentines just around the corner, you were busy preparing treats for all your friends. Cupcakes, cookies, macarons and lots of other delicious treats that you had to restrain yourself from sneaking in a few yourself. With Valentines coming up, the atmosphere eventually began to become a little more romantic, finding a new valentine from a new admirer every day. You were flattered, but you turned them down all the time, saying that your heart has already been claimed.

It was, and everyday, you'd blush thinking about spending the coming holiday with your inamorato. The romantic thoughts made your heart swell with love and excitement, the heat rushing to your cheeks and your lips stretching into a grin. The Valentine fever had come around every year but spending the day of lovers in Paris was no joke. 

The second month of the year was practically sacred in Paris. Everyday, you watched a couple madly in love, lock up their hopes and toss the keys into the oblivion below and as the key sinks, they share a heart-felt kiss, knowing that whatever happens to them, their bond would be forever, like the love-locks.

But as you watched couples stroll along, you couldn't help but notice the other locks on the bridge. Some rusted, on the brink of falling apart, how were those couples doing now? Were they falling apart just like this? Was their love getting old, and time and tears wearing out the sweetness of love and replacing it with a bitter taste of regret and sadness. They seemed so fragile, like they would collapse under the faintest touch.

It was just as any ordinary day, it should've been, but with the intimate atmosphere and the excited buzz about the celebration of lovers, you couldn't help but feel excited as you walked home from school, a jolly skip between your steps, a bright smile blooming on your face and a twinkle in your eyes. 

Valentines, this year fell on the third day of the week, a happy event to brighten everyone's mood in the middle of the week.

Days past quickly, all just seeming like a big swirling love potion. It was like a drug and you simply couldn't get enough. With the days going by, you waited, patiently for your star-crossed lover to swing by your window. You felt that the super hero had gotten a little distant during the past week but thought nothing of it. He knows how much you mean to him and you know he would never do anything to hurt you but the distance still brought you disappointment, you had slightly wished that he would make the week special but you were hoping he'd make it up on the special day.

It was finally the day of lovers and when you woke up, you could almost smell the aroma of passion. You were happy, very happy and you eagerly distributed the sweets among your friends, who savored the sugary taste as it melted in their mouths.

As the day was coming to an end, you walked around Paris, looking for the leotard-clad hero. You carelessly sauntered around the park, until you spotted a familiar metal staff lying on the ground. Picking it up, you walked around looking for it's owner. You took a sharp turn around the fountain and was absolutely appalled to lay your eyes on the pig-tailed superhero, trapped under your supposed lover, lips on lips, her hands holding his face close while he supported himself on the ground.

Gasping, you stepped back, the heavy metal slipping from your fingers and clanking to the floor. The two heroes scrambled to their feet started, the female blushing madly, heart beating quick, the male looking dazed, heart beating slow and you stared at them, tears welling, heart breaking.

The male suddenly jerked straight, puzzle pieces fitting in his mind, his eyes setting on your broken figure and his breath got caught in his chest. You were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, he thought you didn't understand, but you did, completely.

Chat stuttered before saying, "I-I was under a spell, i-it was dark c-cupid, I swear-!" You cut him off before he continued, "Chat I think, it's best if we didn't see each other any more."

"(Y-Y/N)! It wasn't me I-!" "Chat I'm not stupid! I know you were under a spell, but the spell was broken, right?" You say looking at the dark-haired girl infront of you.

"True love's kiss," You whisper, "I guess we really weren't meant for each other, you guys are the real lovers, the Romeo and Juliet. I wish you both only the best."

Walking away was probably the hardest thing you ever had to do, but you had to. And you knew it was over then.

Because he didn't come after you.

You walked as far as you could into a restaurant, heart torn in two, you slid into a booth and rested you head in your arms and then let your tears go.

"(Y/N)?" You wiped your tears ferociously at the sound of your name. Raising your head, you see Nathaniel standing there, an awkward blush on your face. He slid in the booth next to you and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"My heart is destroyed." You murmur and he says, "Mine too.

Then he looks at you, a smile forming, "Can we be alone on Valentines, together?"

You smiled back and opened a bag of treats.


That night, you lay in bed, crying and hugging a pillow close to your chest. Though Nathaniel had helped you today, the hollow feeling in your heart hadn't disappeared completely and you began to sob as soon as you reached home. Phasing through the window pane came an amethyst tinted butterfly and it vanished as it hit the soft skin of your neck, dissolving into your skin.

'I'll do want you want Hawkmoth, 2 miraculouses await you, but I will not be under your control, my advanced strategic skills shall help, the both of us. It's game over , for the both of them. I swear it, but as any good strategist knows, the way to bring your opponent down is to go undercover. Hawkmoth, you may call me by Gamer Girl.'

Ooooh!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm really sorry I haven't been updating very much, but with the finals coming up I really just have no time but I swear once they are over I will try my best to finish this story.

PS Happy Valentines Day!!!! I love you all!!!!! <333333

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