Chapter 14

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When you feel the warm sunlight on your closed eyelids, your brows scrunch together and you fist your purple duvet. Turning away from the sunlight, you choose to sleep longer. The silence was peaceful, it seemed like the entire world was asleep, except that pesky sun, of course.

"(Y/N)?" Not really confused about the voice coming from your room, even though you live alone. Your mind drunk with sleep, you just groaned out, acknowledging that voice.

"A-Are you awake? Please open your eyes."

The voice tickled your brain and it slowly jogged your memory. Bits and pieces of the past few days dripped into your head, like smooth ribbons of honey. You slowly opened your eyes to meet a familiar green and a head of red hair.

Nathaniel sighed and slumped into his seat, taking your hand. You smiled up and him, your eyes lighting up.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, moving himself to sit next to you on the bed, "Sleepy. How long have I been out?"

"About 2 days." He replied and you gasped, "Two days? That long." You put a hand to your head and thought.

"Hey, it's completely normal once you de-evilize, some people faint but some just remain weak for the next couple days." You looked at him in confusion and he suddenly got concerned, "You do remember what happened, right?"

You nodded slightly, "Tell me everything though."

For the next couple of minutes you hear Nathaniel talk about your transformation, he went on and on about how it boggled his mind that someone so cute became so intimidating. He blushed at that, but you urged him to continue.

He told you about the face off you had with Ladybug on the roof and how he came to save you. You thanked him and he blushed and said he was just returning the favor. The way he was talking, it seemed like he thought that things would never go back to the way they were, he was scared and he admitted to it. You were close to him and he cared a lot about you. 

The way he was talking made you soft, you took his hands and openly thanked him for showing you the light when you needed it the most and he pulled you closer to him so you were pressed shoulder to shoulder against each other, his comparatively larger hands enveloping yours.

He told you some things and you told him the others. Like how GG had revealed the identities of Chat Noir and Lady Bug to be Adrien and Marinette. He was surprised but nodded, it seemed explainable.

You also told him about the night before you turned, your relationship with Chat Noir and how you cried when you came back home. You felt his hands tighten around your when you mentioned it and you snuggled closer to him.

After your story-telling was done you just sat in silence, Nathaniel wrapping one of his arms around you while you played with his other hand, comparing sizes, tracing the lines on the and occasionally inspecting the pen marks on his palms.

"Nath?" You whispered and he nodded, "Thanks for being here, I really appreciate your face being the first one I saw, I wouldn't want to be alone here with all my, thoughts." You shyly played with the hem of your shirt.

"You're welcome (Y/N), there isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you."

"Because you owe me? For returning the favor?" You said and felt his grip tighten around you, "Because your a good person, you deserve good things coming to you. Because I care about you. Because your my friend."

You looked up and pecked his cheek, watching his skin turn pink, "Thank you."

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now