Chapter 23

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You had sprinted to the nearest book store. You couldn't exactly grasp how much time you had since he had travelled to the past, so you had just opted for doing everything as quickly as you possibly could.

Stepping into the store, you quickly made your way to the newspaper stand and frowned when you couldn't find anything. You asked the person at the counter but he had looked at you like you were insane for asking for a newspaper from a few weeks back.

You could've just used your phone but you had left it in the future and you couldn't risk getting caught by your past self if you tried to sneak back home.

Trying to think of something, you had gotten an idea and ran to the bakery owned by Marinette's parents. You had entered and came face-to-face with the blue-eyed beauty. To say she was surprised would be an understatement.

"(Y/N)! What're you doing here?" Her voice cracked hilariously in the middle and you had to resist from laughing. She knew your heart was just broken and you needed to hold up the charade.

"It's kind of a long story," You sighed, "Could I just use your phone for a second?"

Nodding immediately, she passed you her phone and you searched for the date you were looking for. Your fingers jittered nervously and your eyes darted rapidly over the words.

Finally, you found it.

Ugh, it was seventeen days and a few hours in the past. The glory of time travel had died while you were planted in your couch and turning the hands of the clock while Bhoot kept count in his monotone, droning voice.

"Thanks, Marinette." You tried your best to give her a sad smile and even forced a few tears to appear in the corner of your eyes by pinching your skin with your nails. She smiled compassionately and you left the bakery without a word more.

You found a place to sit down and began turning the hands back, as fast as you could while Bhoot kept count.

"Alright! Only five more minutes, (Y/N)!" His squeaky voice cried and you turned it back five more times before pressing it down. Immediately, the world around you kept rewinding. The sun came up from the west, the people walked backwards, the hands of the clock turned backwards. This process repeated for a few cycles and when it stopped it was nearly noon.

You ran to the school.

"Remember (Y/N)-!" Bhoot's high-pitched voice faintly rang through your ears, you could barely hear him over the sound of your rushing blood, "Yeah, yeah, I know, don't let anyone see me."

Bhoot quickly tucked himself in your shirt pocket, tickling you slightly when he snuggled in.

Lucky bastard, you thought, he get's a free ride and I'm here running like a serial killer is chasing me.

The school seemed like it was suddenly transported to the other side of the world.

I wish I could've just teleported there, what's this watch even do? You thought, recalling the conversation you had with Bhoot about teleportation.

"Are you out of your mind?" Bhoot chastised as you jogged to Marinette's house, "This isn't a movie."

"Still find that hard to believe." You murmured under your breath, "But what's going to happen? I would've gone there with my own two feet, but instead I'm speeding up the process and using the watch, so I can get there faster."

"But then you're not actually running there, you're just going into the future standing in the exact same spot. Time travel is not for cutting corners, (Y/N), besides what the big deal in running a little."

"Easy for you to say! You don't have to do it, you're just snuggling into my chest like some creepy kwami perv."

"Why I never-!"

"Shut up a little or I'm not gonna wear a shirt with pockets next time."

You giggled a little, recalling his flabbergasted face and upon seeing the school in sight, you slowed down, lungs burning.

You entered the school quickly, skipping some steps with your long strides.

"Hi (Y/N)!" A girl chirped at you and you almost gave yourself a whiplash. You had forgotten that in this time people didn't hate you. Giving her a bright smile and greeting her sent butterflies soaring throughout your body.

You quickly ran up the stairs and ducked behind the lockers just in time to see the teacher entering the class. You breathed a sigh of relief, you had gotten here just in the nick of time.

"Bhoot," You whispered, not wanting to catch the teacher's attention, "Can you sense him? Is he here?"

"I'm right here, actually."

"Oh shit." You jumped up, clutching your chest, "Hey, could you not give me minor cardiac arrest, so I can stop you from doing something stupid?"

"Actually, as always, the only stupid one here, is you."

Scoffing, you hid a look of disbelief, "I see when you lost your sense of reasoning, you didn't lose that incredible sarcasm"

"And I see your imagination has just gone through the roof, because if you think you're going to stop me, you're highly mistaken."

You sighed, "Nath-"

"Evillustrator!" "Those are too many syllables! How about I just go with 'traitor'? It suits you well."

Evillustrator glared at you, "Among the two of us, I'm pretty sure it is you who is the traitor."

"Look, whether you do this or not, that Nathaniel is going to get akumatized and then de-evilized. Then he's going to confess his feelings to Marinette and get rejected. Now whether I'm his friend or not could change his future, because when someone is in pain, a lot of wrong things seem right." You gave him a meaningful look.

He sighed and glanced at Nathaniel come out of the classroom, dejectedly.

Instinctively, you held his arm to prevent him from going anywhere but he didn't make any moves, instead he just watched Nathaniel's eyes sparkle when he looked at you, and then watched you go back inside the classroom.

"Nath, can we please go home?" You whispered.

He looked down at you, frowning, "You were right, either way, he's going to get de-evilized, so I'm going to prevent that from happening."

You snorted, "Yeah right, what're you gonna do? Kidnap Adrien and prevent him from de-evilizing you?"

Evillustrator smirked, "Thank you for the lovely idea," He leaned in so close, shivers ran down your spine, "Let's turn this into a little game, why don't we? Try to catch me (Y/N)." He whispered and turned the watch to disappear before your eyes.

Bhoot flew out with wide eyes, "Did you just give him the idea to kidnap your boyfriend?!"

"N-No," You replied weakly, "Technically, Adrien isn't my boyfriend."


"I know!"

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