Chapter 21

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All you felt was the splitting pain at the back of your head and the overwhelming urge to go into a deep slumber as soon as Chloe's unforgiving thermos had made contact with your head. You took shaky breaths as you felt blood trickle down your neck.

Suddenly your body felt like it was on fire. Thousands of jolts spread through your body as you stared at Chloe, a wicked smile forming on your face. Words faded in and out of your mind, but they weren't yours.

You saw Chloe's terrified, ugly face and your clenched fists twitched with the urge to strangle her, bury her 6 feet under and then dance and spit on her grave. The thought of her tombstone her set off a wicked glint in your eyes before you were caught in a headlock.

Gasping in surprise, you caught a glance of the familiar head of red hair. Nathaniel, wrapped his free arm around your waist and used one leg to hold you in place. His vice-like grip restricted your movement and you found yourself struggling against him, even though you had no clue as to why.

"(Y/N), snap out of it. Listen to my voice, snap out of it." Nathaniel's stern voice had echoed sharply in your eyes and your body relaxed, the burning feeling exiting your body and you felt extremely heavy.

Before you could think of anything, it was black.

When you had come to, you were back at your apartment

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When you had come to, you were back at your apartment. There was a weight on your head with made it impossible for you to lift it. Reaching up to brush a few strands of hair from your face, you sighed when you felt the rough material of gauze and cotton.

Chloe must have really done her damage.

Sitting up, in retrospect was not the best thing you should have done, as you had done it too quickly and your head began spinning.

"Nath!" You called out, to check if he was still home. Of course, he was.

"Yeah?" He asked, coming into the room while nursing a steaming cup of hot cocoa.

"Could you get me a painkiller, please?" You mumbled, scrunching up your nose at him when you realized that hot cocoa wasn't for you.

He hummed and stepped out of the room, returning a few seconds later, empty handed.

"Your bottle is empty." He said plainly and you sighed, "I have one in my bag."

Nodding, the red head brought your bag to you. You lifted a trembling hand and grabbed it, not even bothering to look but just dumping all the contents over your duvet.

Your notebooks and tablet tumbled out, messily scattering themselves on the bed and some even flopping down to the floor. A small pencil case and your wallet fell out as well and a little silver and gold box dropped itself right into your lap.

Confused, you picked it up, staring at the hexagonal box that was slightly larger than your palm. This definitely did not belong to you, it was way too nice.

'Maybe this is Nathaniel's way of asking me out. Or it might be a bomb.' You wondered and peeked up at him, but his indifference proved that it was most likely the latter. You sighed and set the box down.

"We'll deal about this possible bomb-in-the-box, after I've had my painkiller." You deadpanned, snapping open your pill box. You only heard Nathaniel snort in reply.

After the painkiller had started to take effect had you only bothered with the box. Nathaniel breathed uncomfortably down your neck as you examined it. It looked like the lid was gold and the bottom was silver. Each side had an intricate design on it, which resembled a compass, to you, but Nathaniel said that the design was that of a Victorian clock.

Huffing and grunting out a fine, you attempted to open the box but it showed no avail. Pouting, you pulled harder, but your effort had no effect on the box. So, you tried to turn the top, thinking it was like a jam jar. Nothing. You had then gone through the trouble of using a knife, a pair of scissors and when all that failed, your teeth.

Nathaniel, who had been watching your struggles with the box, smirked and held out his hand, signaling you to hand it over. You rolled your eyes at him but dropped in in his hand regardless. He puffed up his chest like a Neanderthal brute and attempted to open the box but, like you, there was absolutely no effect on it. He visibly deflated and you didn't hold in a laugh as he spared no effort to pry the lid off, which obviously wasn't much since the box was still intact, gleaming at you with a mocking twinkle.

"Here, let's try together." You told him, picking up the box from where he threw it against the wall. You held on to the golden end and Nathaniel the other. You held on firmly and pulled with all your strength.

The box opened easier than expected and you stumbled before falling into your couch. Nathaniel, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky, his back had collided sharply with the kitchen island and he swore loudly before picking himself up.

"You okay?" He nodded before walking towards you.

You turned your attention back to your half of the box, tracing your fingers over the intricate designing and turning it over. Inside, was a gold pocket watch, lodged in a satin-covered foam cushion.

You pulled it out, as did Nathaniel, who had received a silver wrist watch. They looked pretty much the same, aside from the color and the style.

Nathaniel had put it on his wrist, eyeing it finely. You had clicked it open and a chain fell out.

"Hm, it doesn't work." Nathaniel muttered, fiddling with the crown on the side.

You had put the watch around your neck, shuddering at the cold metal on your neck.

"Who do you think-" Your question got cut short as both of your gifts had begun to glow, your cover had popped off, which gave you a chance to see the hands spinning rapidly before you were bathed in light.

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