Chapter 16

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To say you were afraid as soon as you stepped on to school grounds was an understatement. You were practically shaking and you could barely hear the loud chatter of the students over the blood rushing through your ears. Though almost instantaneously, when had you stepped through the doors the students stopped mingling and just stopped to stare at you.

Some were in fear, and others were in disgust. You kept your head down in shame as you walked passed them. Ladybug had to explain everything to the press the other day and admitted that Gamer Girl had been the first one to ever been able to take the miraculous.

Some responded with the fact that Ladybug and her teammate were becoming to cocky but most of them instead started a petition to kick you out of Paris but Ladybug had managed to talk the mayor out of it, claiming that it wasn't your fault, but that didn't calm the hostility of the other Parisians. You were an outcast, not only of the school but the whole city. People in your neighbourhood shunned you and it had gotten so bad that you couldn't step out of your apartment without a disguise and you couldn't buy anything from grocery stores without people staring at you like you were going to steal something.

You knew it would be bad but you hadn't realized it was this bad. Your stomach churned as you walked through the halls, a cap not doing much to mask your face. People spread wild and nasty rumors about how you were evil even before you got akumatized and were just seducing Cat Noir so you could gain secrets.

You had said it many times before that it was best to face the world with a smile but now you weren't so sure. You were not cunning and sly like everyone was thinking, you were vulnerable and scared. You wrapped your arms around yourself as comfort as you slipped on a pair of sunglasses but it was still abundantly clear it was you. 

It might've been the fact that you were the only one wearing sunglasses but it was most definitely the fact that you had a faded purple silhouette of a butterfly crawling up your throat and covering your chin slightly. Nothing you tried to cover it had worked, turtle necks were too short, even when your hair was down it wouldn't cover it and the mark would just fade through makeup. How? It was magic, so you didn't try to understand it. Instead you just wore the mark not as a battle wound but as a mark of shame.

You kept walking no matter how many people would spit in your way and how many threw things at you. You just kept walking and tried to swallow down tears. You ended up in a toilet stall, knees to your chest and concealed whimpers leaving you. A knock at the door made you hold your breath and you waited until the person would leave.

"(Y/N), I know you're in there, we need to talk." It wasn't an unfamiliar voice but it certainly wasn't one you would have expected.

"M-Marinette?" You murmured and opened the door with a sharp squeak to reveal her concerned blue-bell eyes. You let out a sob at the sight.

"(Y/N), do you remember who I am?" You nodded, she was asking you if you knew her identity.

She sighed and looked at you, guilt plastered on her face and tears welling in her eyes.

"I'm sorry!" The both of you cried and pulled each other into your arms, crying out and holding on to the other one for emotional support.

"I ruined your life." Marinette wailed as she held your shaking figure as the both of you collapsed onto the floor.

"I ruined yours!" You in-turn said, fat tears running down you cheeks.

"This is all my fault, (Y/N), I need to tell you everything." Marinette whispered as she wiped away your tears. She smiled reassuringly and tearfully as she stood up and called for her kwami. You watched in awe as the red ladybug kwami appeared and vanished into her earrings, her body being covered in her red spandex and ribbons tying around her hair.

She quickly opened the window and wrapped an arm around your waist, uncoiling here yo-yo and pulling you along with her outside as you were taken to her house.

A short while later the both of you sat in her room, staring at each other, wondering who would be the first to say—

"It all started the day when dark cupid had turned Cat Noir evil."

Gamer Girl (Cat Noir x reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now