Chapter 1: The Start

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Sequel!!! Don't forget to check out Learning to Love. It will help with understanding, but I will explain everything, so you don't have to worry. I hope you enjoy this story. This chapter is going to explain their relationship before the beach.


Alya was definitely not the quiet type like Marinette. She was very open about everything and she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She was a loyal friend to Marinette and she tried her best to help her with Adrien.

She was ecstatic when Marinette told her about her and Adrien going on a date. She shipped them from the beginning. After a while they were always together so Alya decided to hang out with Nino.

Nino was really nice and he was really good at DJing. Everyone loved his music. Over the past year he has gotten really good with all of the controls.

When Adrien told him about how he liked Marinette, he totally joked with him about it. Saying things like, "Really? You just now realized this?", and "Such a surprise!" It annoyed Adrien, but Nino knew the thought of Marinette made him forget it.

He started to hang out with Alya more often because Adrien was always with Marinette. He knew that she meant a lot to him. After a while, he realized Alya wasn't all that bad.

They always argued about group projects because they both were the leader type. Alya was natural sassy which was something Nino wasn't all that used to, but he quickly warmed up.

They would talk about how they both knew that Marinette and Adrien were meant for each other. They laughed about the fact that they hadn't talked about it before.

They found out they have a lot of things in common other then shipping Adrien and Marinette. They love technology and they have the same taste in music. Alya loved to sing which was something they had fun doing together. Making the music. They both wanted a dog, too.They had a liking for animals which was something they often talked about.

They also had differences. Alya was very outspoken and Nino always was annoyed by it. Sometimes Nino would be a little to childish for Alya, but they found ways around it since they both didn't have anything better to do.


"So, do you want to come over to my place? We can spin together." Nino said nervously. He didn't want to be rejected by Alya.

"I guess. My mom said I have to be home by 6, so I have time." Alya smiled curiously.

They walked to his house and went to a room. It looked like a instrument room so Alya knew it wasn't his bedroom.

"This is cool." Alya said putting her bag down and looking around at the instruments.

"Yeah, dude. My family has a thing for music." Nino said walking over to his DJ spinners.

"A ukulele! I love these." Alya said picking it up. She played a verse of somewhere over the rainbow as she sang and giggled as she messed up some of the strums.

"Your a good singer you know." Nino said.

"Why thank you. I try my best." Alya smiled as she kept playing the same verse. "For the ukulele though, this is all I know." She laughed.

"Do you want to try this?" Nino asked offering her to spin.

"I don't know if I'd be good at it." Alya said hesitantly.

"Just try. I'll do this one." Nino said moving to one. Nino started up the music and began to spin the records.

Alya tried and their was a loud screech. "Maybe I shouldn't do this." Alya said backing away.

"It's okay. It's not for everyone." Nino said picking up the record to see if anything was wrong.

"Did I break it?" Alya said softly standing next to Nino.

"No. It's okay." Nino said putting at back down. "You can just stick to the singing." He laughed.

"Yeah. I guess that's a good idea." Alya laughed sitting on the couch.

"So what of all these instruments do you play?" Alya asked.

"Well I used to play the keyboard." He said walking over to it. He hit keys and it sounded crazy.

"Hence the used too." Alya said.

"Hey! Don't be like that. I was 8 when I last played!" He said angrily back.

"Sorry I can't help it." Alya said sorrily.

"Here let me show you." Alya said standing next to him. She played a tune that sounded like twinkle twinkle little star.

Nino tried but it wasn't even close. "I'm bad at this." Nino said taking his fingers off of the keyboard.

"No, no. You will learn today." Alya said grabbing his hands and putting them on the keyboard.

She put her hands over his. "Okay, I'll push the keys for you." She pushed on his fingers making the twinkle twinkle little star melody.

Nino began to blush and he was trying hard to hide it. "Okay let me try." He said quickly. Alya's hands on his made him feel weird inside and he was confused.

He played the melody missing the last note. "So close!" Alya said smiling. "Try again."

He did it again and he mastered it. "Wow that was easy." He said proud of himself.

"You only did good because I taught you." Alya said standing up. "I should get going I still have to write my English paper." Alya said putting her bag on.

"We have an English paper due?" Nino asked.

Alya laughed. "Yeah. You should work on it too." Alya said sassily.

"Okay, okay. Do you want me to walk you out?" Nino asked.

"Sure." Alya said. They walked to the front door.

"I'll see you tomorrow. With a English paper I presume." Alya said smiling.

"Maybe." Nino joked. "Bye." He said waving.

"Bye." Alya said as she walked away.

Why was he blushing? Does he like me?, Alya thought as she walked home. She didn't want to think about it to much.

Do I like her?, Nino thought as he started his paper. He was thinking about it to much.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope this explains how they are since it isn't explained very well in the show. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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