Chapter twenty one

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Jammie's POV:

I didn't think that she was going to forgive me to be honest, but I was hoping she would consider forgiving me for what I did. Right now I'm in English class. Next hour is lunch so I'm going to ask Nickie if I can sit with her and Zayn. I know everything about the book that we are reading in class for this month but there was something about the outdoors today. Since I always sit next to the window I have the ability to look out the window whenever I want. "Miss Pailer... Miss Pailer!!!" Mr. Mathers said to me snapping me out of my thoughts. "Miss Pailer please tell us your thoughts on the chapter." He said. The only thing I didn't know right now is what chapter we were on as a class.

"Ummm... well my thoughts on this chapter a-" I was cut off by the bell signaling for class to be let out. I got up from my chair and walked out the door. I walked to my locker and put my books in the locker and I grabbed the books for my next class. Once I closed my locker I was pushed up against it as I looked up to see who pushed me up against it I felt lips on my neck. The persons hands crept around my ass and grabbed it. I wanted them to stop but my body couldn't move it was like I was paralyzed.

"I'm back babe..." He said. I pushed him off to see a very tired looking Ian. "SURPRISE BABY." He said opening his arms. I swung my arms around him and pulled him into me. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

"Put me down before Nickie sees you with me Ian." I said putting my feet back on the ground. I started walking away when a hand grabbed my ass again. "IAN!!" I whisper screamed and moved his hand away. 

"Later tonight I'm going to have that ass." He said laughing. He then walked back out the school doors and back to his car. Gosh what have I done. I'm supposed to be Nickie's friend again and I'm just ruining it all over again. Why do I always have to mess thing up. I walked into the lunch room and looked for Nickie. Once I saw her I walked over to her and sat down across from her next to Zayn. 

"Hey guys sorry I didn't come sooner but I had to talk with Mr. Mathers." I lied. I thought Nickie was going to see straight through me but she didn't. Nickie used to always see thought me when I lied to her before the thing with me and Ian happened. Either she is seeing through me right now and saying she doesn't or since everything that happened she forgot how I was. "Nickie can I talk to you out in the hall in private really quick?" I said getting up from my chair. She soon followed behind me.

"What's up Jammie?" she asked worried for me.

"Sooo, Ian he came to school to see me today.He wanted me to come over and have sex with him tonight. I don't want to if you still like him though." I said.

"Wait what did you say? Ian is out of the hospital and the first thing he does is come and see you and ask for you to have sex with him? Your making this all up right. Right?"

"Sure..." I said looking down at the ground. She then walked out of the hall and back into the lunch room. What am I going to do?!?!

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