Chapter twenty two

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Nickie's POV:

What was that all about? It was a nice joke that Jammie played on me, but did she actually think I would be stupid enough to actually believe her. Yeah, when we were friends before all the drama happened I could tell she was lying and I'm not sure right now, but who in their right mind would be stupid enough to believe the lie she just told me. I walked back into the lunch room and sat back down next to Zayn. "What was that about?" Zayn asked me s I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"It was nothing. Just a stupid talk with a pathetic person." I said closing my eyes. If Jammie wanted to fool me she would have to do better the that. Pathetic that is all I have to say to that. Just pathetic. The bell for next period rang. I walked with Zayn and my other friends to Mr. Mathers class. We passed Jammie in the hall and she started to walk over to me. I stopped and waited. "What now?" I said irritated with her little stunt from earlier.

"I'm not joking around. You know me better then that Nickie! You KNOW I wouldn't joke around like that after I just got your trust back again. Please why don't you believe me." Jammie said with tears forming in her eyes.

"Because I never really forgave you for what you did. You know I love Ian now you just trying to test me and hurt me again. Haven't you done enough, or is ruining a friendship, a relationship, and a life not enough pain to cause a person?" I said. Jammie didn't answer she just looked at the floor and played with her fingers. "That's what I thought." I said. I then rolled my eyes and walked into Mr. Mathers's class with a smile on my face. I didn't want people to think something was wrong, so I pretended everything was okay even though my heart was breaking inside. One thought just kept running through my mind. 'Will me and Jammie ever go back to the way we were before everything happened?'

"Hey are you okay Nickie?" the girl behind me asked.

"Yeah just a lot of drama today. But then again whats new right?.?" I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah I guess you are right about that. If you need anything, anything at all just don't hesitate to ask me okay?." She said. "By the way I'm Lulu." She said holding out her hand for me to shake it.

"Well do. And you already know my name so hi Lulu!" I said shaking her hand with mine. With that the bell rang and me and Lulu got up from our seats and headed for our last period class for the day. I'm glad to have someone there for me. I know I have Zayn but I cant talk to him like I can another girl if you know what I'm trying to say. Hopefully I can make it through the rest of the school day ithout a mental breakdown.


Hey everyone thank you so much for the reads. I love you all. If you guys have an idea for who should play Lulu please write in the comments what celebrity should play that roll. Bye

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