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[so much thanks and love to @couragebekind for making these]

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[so much thanks and love to @couragebekind for making these]

[ ... ]

you walk as if the only sound
you know is a strangled war-cry,
howled in the dark before the wolves
circle their prey and close in;
you walk as if you know the wolves
will never win;
you walk is if pain is your
only salvation, like you learned
to love in the sun-dried desert
air, harsh and wild and full of rage;
you walk as if your jagged bones
are a cage;
you walk as if you've got nothing
left to lose, because they've taken
the things you knew couldn't be yours
but for which you still prayed;
you walk as if you don't even want
to be saved.

-untitled, unnamed


he didn't marry you because he wanted to become king. he became king because he wanted to marry you.

-megan whalen turner

[ ... ]

this rose is made of mud
this glitter is made of coal
this child,
this scoundrel,
this good man,
this acrobat are
made of clay

-untitled, unnamed

[ ... ]

she is the kind of woman
that breaks your heart by
being too good at loving you.
she's the kind that you don't
deserve and you know it -

so you spend the rest of
your life earning that right -
the right to deserve her,
and hoping to god
it's good enough.

and you know what? it is.

-untitled, unnamed

[ ... ]

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