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all god does is watch us and kill us when we get boring

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all god does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. we must never, ever be boring

-chuck palahnuik


Winterfell's towers loomed in the distance. With a hammering heart, Amaris kicked her heels into the sides of her horse and sent him into a sprint towards the castle.

"Your grace!" Davos yelled from behind her.

Amaris paid no mind to his or Myra's shouts of protest. All she could focus on was Jon and Robb, her husband and her son. She had no fear of this land — the people here would not hurt her. The gates were stationed with guards, but as soon as Amaris rode up, they stumbled to their knees.

"Your grace!" one exclaimed. "We didn't expect you back so soon."

"I cut my visit to Dragonstone short... stand," Amaris said, looking down at them. "There are visitors behind me. Ser Davos will oversee their entree, ensure that they are welcomed."

"Of course, your grace," the shorter of the guards nodded. "Shall— shall I alert the king of your arrival?"

"It's quite all right, ser," Amatis said. "I'll seek him out myself."

She flicked her eyebrows up, urging them to take the hint of opening the door. The taller one caught on rather quickly and shoved the doors open for her.

"Thank you."

Amaris smiled down at them before urging her horse forward. She sped into the courtyard and came to a skidding stop. The people milling about all stopped what they were doing and she heard swords clang to the stone ground, but Amaris paid them no mind. She kept her eyes trained on the barracks, searching for Jon's silhouette. He was not there. Instead, he was walking out from the crypts.

Their eyes met and something bloomed inside of Amaris' stomach and rose within her chest. Without any hesitation, she jumped from her house, gathered up her skirts, and sprinted towards Jon. His arms wound around her waist and lifted her up when they collided.

"I missed you," she whispered, clutching him close. Her hand trailed into his hair, forcing it out of the bun it was in. "I missed you so much."

"And I missed you," he said, setting her down. His hands stayed firmly on her waist. "Our son has missed you terribly."

"How is he?" Amaris asked, biting her lip.

"He's big," Jon answered. He pulled the glove from his right hand and touched her cheek. "He misses his mother."

Keeping his hand on her cheek with her own hand, Amaris leaned into his touch. "Can you take me to him?"

"Later," he promised. "He just went to sleep."

Pursing her lips, she sniffed sharply and nodded. "Okay." She turned her head and pressed a kiss to his palm and smiled. "I love you."

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