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you make me feel like home. you make me feel that the world is not strange.


The first house Jon intended to get support from was House Mormont. Amaris was hopeful that their attempt at gaining soldiers from Bear Island. In the absence of any male heirs, the Mormont land was ruled over by Lady Lyanna Mormont, a girl nine years younger than Amaris, who had passed her twentieth nameday only months ago. Amaris hoped that even if Lyanna did not support Jon's cause, she would support Amaris' cause for justice and Sansa's for revenge.

Melisandre had said that a woman in power should always respect another woman in power, especially with the male driven society they lived within. Amaris believed in Melisandre's sentiments, and hoped that Lyanna Mormont would as well.

Bear Island was a dreary place, but a much more welcome sight than the snow-covered fields they had been residing within for the past month. Amaris' stomach was beginning to truly swell now and she needed warmth, not exposure to the frost. The sooner she and Jon could rally troops, the sooner they would have Winterfell.

"When we speak with Lady Lyanna, I should do the talking," Amaris said to Jon as they rode towards the small castle. "I'm much more adept at diplomacy."

"I agree with Amaris," Davos spoke up. "She pulled many men over to Stannis' cause."

"It seems you handling this would be best," Jon said, glancing over at his wife with a small smile. "Diplomacy is not my strong suit."

Amaris looked towards Sansa. The younger girl was ten-and-seven, a woman – but all Amaris could see was the small thirteen-year-old girl she met in Winterfell four years prior. So many things had changed, and both girls were so drastically different from the girls they had used to be. They had shed their romantic views of the world and took on a far more cynical and realistic point of view. Until now, Amaris had not realized how similar she and Sansa truly were.

Upon arrival at Bear Island, they were welcomed warmly enough. Lady Lyanna had sent men to greet them, so Amaris was hopeful. Amaris, Jon, Sansa and Davos were led up four staircases and through several corridors. In her pregnant state, Amaris was breathing heavily by the time they reached the hall where Lady Lyanna would see to them.

"Lady Mormont," Amaris greeted pleasantly.

Lyanna was a northern beauty. In all, her face was on the plainer side but her dark curls and bright eyes stood out to Amaris. Lyanna's body was slender but she still appeared to be strong and durable.

"Welcome to Bear Island," Lady Lyanna responded, her voice sharp and concise.

Lady Lyanna said nothing more, stunning Amaris a bit. She, Jon and Sansa exchanged glances. As Amaris considered Lyanna's greeting, she found herself growing amused. It was clear that Lyanna was a no-nonsense woman with little taste for unnecessary pleasantries. That was the difference, Amaris supposed, between northern and southern diplomats.

Suddenly, Sansa spoke.

"I remember when you were born, my lady. You were named for my Aunt Lyanna. It was said she was a great beauty, as you are."

Amaris winced slightly. She could tell by Lyanna's unamused and unmoved disposition that she did not care for Sansa's pretty words in the way that a southern lady might.

"I doubt it," Lyanna scoffed. "My mother wasn't a great beauty or any other kind of beauty. She was a great warrior, though. She died fighting for your brother Robb."

Discomfort settled over the shoulders of Sansa and Jon. Exhaling, Amaris stepped forward slightly and looked at Lyanna.

"My lady, my husband served under your uncle at the Wall and he has told me stories of how great of a warrior he was, how honorable a man."

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