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you play along,
because you want to die for love,
you always have.

-richard siken


"Tell me about this power you have," Jon requested later, long after their heartbeats had returned to normal and their lust had been subdued.

"My power?" Amaris questioned.

Jon rolled his eyes at her and gave her a pointed look.

"I'm not stupid," he reminded her. "Your skin is warm like a fire, like Lady Melisandre. The two of you are always together, whispering about one thing or another. When we first met, I called you an enchantress."

"I'm no enchantress," Amaris told him, sitting up and retrieving her slip.

She walked towards the fire, only embers remaining, and beckoned for Jon to join her. She crouched down and placed two logs into the hearth.

"Melisandre called it a gift," Amaris explained, looking into the flames. "She said R'hllor gave me Sight and that I needed to learn to use it."

"Visions," Jon inferred, pulling his trousers back on.

"Yes," Amaris said. "They used to be painful. Sometimes they still are. The first time I had a vision I thought my head was being cracked in two."

"What did you see?"

Amaris hesitated, unsure if she should say.

"I saw my uncle dying. I saw Joffrey sitting on the Iron Throne. I saw... Jon, I saw your father's execution."

"What else have you seen?"

"They're not very clear. Sometimes it takes me weeks to decipher a vision. The one I had here, it made no sense but it gave me this feeling of complete terror. I saw a fleet of ships being set aflame, a wooden horse dropped into the snow, a girl falling to the ground from a terrible height. I saw a knife glinting in the night and the word traitor emblazoned across a wooden plant, blood pooling into the snow, staining it dark red."

Gently, Jon pulled her into a hug, his chin resting atop her head. Her eyes fluttered shut.

"Do they always come true?"

"Always," Amaris whispered. "We can't escape our fate."

They stood in silence for a moment longer, holding each other until Amaris cleared her throat and stepped away. She smoothed her hair back and smiled sadly at Jon.

"You should return to your chambers," she told him. "It's late, no one will see you. If you stay until daybreak we will have to answer questions we won't have answers for."

Jon stared at her in silence. He had forgotten who they were, forgotten that he was the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and she was a princess. Tonight, they had just been a man and a woman in love, but now reality was setting back in. He hated that he now knew what he had given up. Now, he had a taste of physical love and he just wanted more. Now, he was insatiable.

"We can't ever do this again, can we?" Jon asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, we can't," Amaris answered, a heartbroken look on her face. "Just know that no man will ever have what I've given you. No man will ever have my love or my body in the way that you have. I'm yours, until my last day, until my name is forgotten, until the sun and moon dies. Forever, I am yours, Jon Snow."

"As I am yours," Jon replied, cradling her face in his hands.

Eyes tearful, Amaris smiled somewhat bitterly.

"Father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger. I am his and he is mine, from this day until the end of my days," she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut.

Despite having been raised in the religion of the Old Gods, Jon knew what Amaris was saying. She might have believed in the R'hllor, but she had been raised in the religion of the New Gods. The words she whispered were the marriage vows that were spoken by those married under the Faith of the Seven. Jon's heart cracked into pieces as he looked at the woman he loved. Quietly, he repeated the words back to her and kissed her mouth softly.

"I'm sorry I was too much of a coward to give you a real wedding," Jon said.

This time, it didn't feel very final when Jon walked away from her. Amaris huffed and wiped at the wetness under her eyes before falling back onto her bed. She buried herself within the furs and drifted off to sleep. In her dreams, she saw a beautiful woman with silver hair surrounded by men in gilded masks. A dwarf stood by the woman's side, as well as two other men and a dark-skinned woman. She saw the waterways of Dorne, a girl with golden hair dying on a ship in the arms of a one-handed man.

Amaris woke up, breathing heavily and clutching her heart. Tyrion Lannister was with Daenerys Targaryen, working with her. That face was not what caused Amaris distress. She knew who the dying girl was. Myrcella Baratheon's days were numbered, and the countdown was just about to end.

Amaris hated the gift she had been granted by R'hllor. She didn't want to see people she cared about dying. She didn't want to know while being able to do nothing about it. The gift of Sight was useless and just brought her pain.

Amaris kicked off her fur covers and began to fill herself a tub. She wished she had been able to bring Myra along. On mornings like this, Amaris felt lost without her closest friend, but Stannis had said the journey north would be far too treacherous for them to bring unnecessary people along.

Amaris wasn't sure how long she soaked in the bath, but when she was finished her fingers and toes had shriveled up and the water was no longer hot. Shivering from the cold air, Amaris dressed as quickly as she could and wrapped herself in a heavy cloak before going to find her father and alert him of what would soon be happening to Myrcella.


so amaris has been predicting jon's death lmao


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