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it's as if the whole world slows down to admire her smile


"Hello, Jon Snow."

The boy jumped in surprise, evidently not having heard Amaris approaching. In his state of shock, he had dropped the pile of dull swords he had been carrying. With a loud clang the whole bundle fell to the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Amaris blustered, dropping down to her knees to gather the swords up.

"No," Jon said, "a lady like yourself shouldn't be doing this."

"Why? Do I not have working hands?" Amaris replied, raising an eyebrow at him. "I am perfectly capable of picking things up, I should have you know."

"No, that's not what I mean," Jon said, his cheeks burning red.

Tilting her head to the side, Amaris looked at Jon for a minute before grinning widely at him. She laughed a little and removed her hands from the hilt of one of the swords.

"Have it your way, Jon Snow," Amaris said to him, sighing and standing back up.

She made it a short way down the corridor before Jon called after her. Giggling softly, she paused in her trek and waited for him to reach her. He held the bundle of dull swords in his arms with a small amount of struggle, but Amaris knew enough of the fragility of the egos of men to not offer any more help.

"Would you like some company on your route to the – I'm sorry, I don't know where you're going."

"Ser Cassel asked me to bring these to the blacksmith," Jon informed her.

"Ah," Amaris smiled. "Would you like company?"

Say yes, the rebellious part of Jon's mind urged. Tell her yes.

"My lady, you don't want to accompany me," Jon said with a tight smile.

Amaris loudly scoffed and rolled her eyes. "And who, Jon Snow, are you to tell me what I do or do not want to do?"

"I just meant that it, well, my lady, I'm only a bastard and you are a highborn lady," Jon stammered. "It would not be wise on either of our behalves."

Pursing her lips, Amaris arched an eyebrow at him. Their eyes locked in a stare down, Jon's nearly black irises meeting the warm brown ones of Amaris that sparkled with gold under the light. After a moment, she sighed with a small nod.

"Very well," Amaris relented. "I shall see you at dinner?"

"Yes, my lady," Jon nodded.

Jon turned and began walked in the opposite direction while Amaris continued down the corridor. As she walked, she chewed furiously on her bottom lip and thought over Jon's attitude. The night of the feast, though they had not spoken much, he had been much more open with her. Perhaps it was privacy he needed. He was a bastard growing up in the house of his noble father; Jon probably dealt with all kinds of ridicule.

Perhaps he knew that people would gossip if they saw the Bastard of Winterfell mingling with the Lady of Dragonstone. Amaris had never been one to care for the petty talk of those with nothing better to do, but she had also never been the subject of such pettiness. Jon had.

If Amaris wanted to be friends with him she would need to try and understand him. But how could she do so if he would not allow himself to speak with her for more than a few short moments at a time?


With deft fingers, Myra tied the laces on the back of Amaris' intricate black dress made of lace and chiffon. Once Amaris was able to get used to the tight corset and dress, Myra placed a shawl around Amaris' shoulders.

"Ah, beautiful," Myra complimented, brushing invisible dust from the younger girl's shoulders. "As always."

"Myra, you are far too kind," Amaris said with a smile.

"I say nothing but the truth, my lady," Myra said, placing a kiss on Amaris' forehead. "Now, off to dinner you go."

Dinner was a simple affair. Robert, Cersei, Joffrey, Jaime, Tyrion, Ned and Catelyn all sat at the head table while the children all sat at a smaller table. Amaris was uncomfortable squished between Sansa and Arya. She sat across from Robb and Jon, which made it a bit more bearable.

She did, however, find it quite irksome that Jon never managed to meet her eyes or smile.

"You should stay here," Arya said halfway through the main course.

"Excuse me?" Amaris asked with a small laugh.

"You should live here in Winterfell."

Arya said her sentences with a bluntness Amaris could do no more than admire. While Amaris' tongue had a certain sharpness to it, she could never imagine herself being as wild as young Arya Stark. She so hoped that Arya would stay wild forever.

"I can't live here in Winterfell, Arya," Amaris said kindly.

"Well, why not?"

"Winterfell is not my home; Dragonstone is."

"You live in King's Landing and that's not your home," Arya pointed out.

"Yes, but my uncles live there. I live with my family," Amaris explained. "And, anyway, I am returning to Dragonstone when we leave."

"You should stay," Arya said once more.

"In order to stay I would need to marry someone who lives her," Amaris said.

"Then marry Robb or Jon," Arya said with a shrug, as if what she was suggesting was the easiest thing in the world.

Amaris bit back a laugh and met Robb's gaze. He was laughing quite obviously.

Marrying him would not be so bad, she mused. She supposed she could learn to love him. He was her age, handsome, kind and funny. However, there was someone who her heart belonged to. There was someone who rendered her helpless each time their eyes met, even if it were only for a split second. Her heart had somehow been captured by Jon Snow.

And she did not want it to be given back.


baby amaris has a huge crush on jon and it's so cute and i can't wait until they kiss


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