Chapter 1 - Dorm Room 219

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Songs for this Chapter:

Lost In Stereo by All Time Low (this song is what inspired me to write this story and Zoe the main character is based of this song or who they are singing about.)


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Zoe's POV:

"Alright I think that is all of it." My dad tells me dusting his hands off. Today was the day I was moving out of the house and into my collage dorm. It had been my dream to go to University of London ever since I was a kid and now here I am in dorm room 219.

"Now before we go you have to know that you will not be going to any parties and don't hang around any hooligans." my mother instructed me pointing her finger in my direction. My parents are those parents that push their children to be the best. Both my parents are surgeons, my brother is studying to be a Cardiologist, and my sister is still in high school but is planning on Harvard. So you could say I have high expectations to meet but that's not a problem for me; I have had collage planned all my life. Most girls in school thought about boys, parties, and shopping; I thought of collage, being a Psychologist, and making a life for myself. It was just how I was raised.

"I know Mum, I don't think I'm the type of person that would do those things." I tell her, it was true I wouldn't even dream of doing any of those things.

"Alright, ugh you still haven't changed your hairstyle this-" she picks up a piece of my hair then drops it, "Is not professional." she scolds me. It wasn't a big deal I mean I had a fringe and my hair was still on the teenage side, if it was my mum's choice it would be in a bob or something. I don't get why she doesn't like my hair, she even wants me to dye it blond to match my brother and sister's natural color.

"I'm sorry but its not going to change." I tell her in a soft yet serious voice, is that even possible?

"Fine, okay I think you need to unpack so we will go." she announces, she says goodbye and kisses my temple and walks out. My dad gives me a hug and a kiss on the forehead goodbye, and my 14 year old sister Amethyst gives me a hug goodbye.

Once they left I started to decorate my side of the room, I had glanced my roommate's side to see a dark, violet duvet with matching pillows neatly arranged on the twin size bed. The nightstand had a picture frame that was turned so I couldn't see it, I was curious but decides not to look because I didn't want to go into personal business. My roommate also had some Fall Out Boy and All Time Low posters hanging up. Well at least we like some of the same music, I wonder if she likes The Cab?

As if on cue the door opens and reveals a petite girl on her phone looking at Instagram. I couldn't tell what she looked like since her beautiful pink hair was shielding her face. She was wearing black, tattered, jean shorts, a white, Hollister Balboa Island tank, and grey Vans. Well she has good fashion sense.

"Oh, hi I'm Bentley your roommate." My 'roommate' says after looking up and spotting me. She had big brown eyes that a hazel hue to them making them gorgeous; her fair/tan complexion contrasted perfectly with her pink lips, she smiles and holds out her hand for me to shake. I gladly take it.

"Hi, I'm Zoella but you can call me Zoe." I introduce myself to her returning a smile back.

"I can't pin out your accent, where are you from?" She asked furring her eyebrows together.

"I'm from Chester but me and my family moved to Seattle when I was twelve so I guess it rubbed off a little." I laugh a little at the end, my accent was a little weird it was a mix of British and American since I moved at a young age.

"Oh that's what it is-" she said snapping her finger. "I just have my Bradford accent but I like it." A bing noise came from her phone indicating she had a message, she took out her phone and went back to her previous state. I shrug it off and turn around to unpack my stuff.

Lets see here..... My soft pink duvet and pillows....... My family pictures..... My mini library of books..... Ooh my camera! My biggest hobby without a doubt is photography. I always wanted to be a photographer but I always pushed it in the back of my head because I knew my parents wouldn't approve. I put my Canon EOS 5D Mark lll camera on the white shelf that was below the shelf full of books. There all done, thankfully we had a bathroom in our dormroom so we didn't have to shower in the shower rooms.

"Wow, your very organized." I hear from behind, I turn to see Bentley.

"Yeah, I just think it makes life a bit more simpler knowing where all your stuff is." I explain, wow I sound like a dork.

"Yeah I guess so-" Bentley was in mid-sentence when there was a nock on the door. Bentley jumped up and swung the door open to reveal a guy.

"Hey babe." the guy with dark hair said to Bentley while he pulled her into a hug. He had black hair, piercings in his ears, lip, and eyebrow, and tattoos covering his arms. His chocolate brown eyes matched my big puppy dog eyes. Some how he looked very familiar but how could he, I just met him?

"Oh Zoe this is my boyfriend Zayn, Zayn this is my new roommate Zoe." Bentley introduced me to 'Zayn'.

"Hey." Zayn says with a wave, I return one.

"Come on BB I will leave you if you don't get your ass a-movin', you too Zayn." I hear a thick Irish accent call from the hall, getting closer and closer. A head pops into the room followed by his body, he plopped down on Bentley's bed. He had blonde hair that was styled into a quiff where you could see his dark roots; he had tattoos up and down his arms like Zayn, and had his ears and eyebrow pierced but you could see he had snake bite piercings he just wasn't wearing anything in them. The one thing that caught my eye was his light blue eyes that you could get lost in. He looked very intimidating but his eyes told a different story. He was beautiful.

"Your so impatient, Niall this is my roommate Zoe, Zoe this is my obnoxious friend Niall." Bentley rolls her eyes. I expected for 'Niall' to say 'hi' or something but doesn't, he glances at me then winks and hops off the bed followed by him walking out. Okay then...

"He's a little hard to get around, you didn't do anything wrong." Zayn assures me, the two wave bye to me and go God knows where. Maybe London wasn't as good as I expected, if only my parents had seen the three of them, they would have me transferred to a new dorm in minutes. Just don't hang around them Zoe, that is the best you can do. Bentley and Zayn seem friendly but I wouldn't want to be with Niall at night.


Hey everyone, I have been really wanting to write a punk fan fiction so this is what it is. I'm going to try get out of my comfort zone on this story and make it more exciting then my other stories. And I know the beginning sounds like I' coping After by imaginator1D but I'm not. I love the series but I will never copy it, it's just not right. I hope you like my series!

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(Picture of Zoe, Niall, Zayn, and Bentley on the side)

P.S. I'm going to make a schedule to where I update on Saturdays.

Love you guys!

Sierra Boo .x

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