Chapter 23 - Love in Seattle

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Songs for this Chapter:

Do I Wanna Know? by: Arctic Monkeys (they are literally one of the best bands ever, they make my top five.) I think this song is how Zoe feels right now, she is kind of wondering if Niall likes her back.

Zoe's POV:

We got settled in our seats on the plane, me sitting by the window and Niall sitting next to me. It was currently 9 o'clock pm meaning we would land in Seattle at 7o'clock am tomorrow. The air attendant or what Niall called 'air hostess' told us the procedures if the plane was ever to crash.

"Thank you for flying British Airways!" said the thin woman with ginger hair and in a charcoal navy, pencil skirt and blazer, and a blue and red stripped scarf. I buckle my seat belt across my waist and wait for the plane to assent up into the air. Many people went to sleep since it was night time but I just couldn't sleep. Niall turns to me laying his head on the back head cushion.

"So, what did the doc tell ya?" he asked in a quiet voice not wanting to disturb anyone around us, I let out a sigh before speaking.

"Well I guess Zayn really is related to me. He is my twin brother, that's why I was able to donate blood to him. The DNA test prove it and my mom's name is on both certificates. How didn't I know I had a twin brother Ni?" By the end my eyes we blurry from tears that were fighting from falling. Niall immediately puts him arm around me and guides my head to his shoulder. My sobs were quiet almost silent as Niall ran his fingers through my hair.

"I can't really tell you Zo, I'm sorry babe. Maybe your mum can tell you that." he whispered in my ear, his words were comforting and his breath made shivers go down my back. I sit back up and wipe my tears from my cheeks. I look down at Niall's shirt and giggle. Niall's face stirs with confusion.

"What's so funny?" he asks making me giggle even more. I point to his shirt that now had a wet blob of tears on it.

"I think I made your shirt a little wet." I say leading my head on the back of my seat, Niall looks at his shoulder and laughs as well but his laugh was louder and more obnoxious making people give him glares. His face turns red from embarrassment, I had never seen Niall embarrassed before and I was cute.

"We should be getting some sleep." Niall says, I nod in agreement and adjust comfortably in my seat before slowly drifting off to sleep.


I feel the repeated poking of my cheek, someone trying to wake me up. I groan and open my eyes to see a lilac fellow in front of me. Niall smiles cheekily giving his million dollar smile.

"Mornin' Princess." I groan in response and slowly sit straight in my seat and stretch out my arms almost hitting Niall in the face, I giggle as his head swerves away. I give him a small 'sorry' and lay back in my seat.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, we are going to be landing soon so please put your seat belts on. The light above with go off telling you to put them on. The temperature in Seattle today is 38 and there is a 10% chance of rain. Thank you for choosing British Airways, welcome to Seattle, Washington." The flight attendant said through the intercom. My seat belt was already on so I take my time to look out my window. The grey landscape of Seattle was quite pretty in the bird's eye view, you could see the top of the Space Needle. Our plane descends as we get closer to the runway. We finally land within fifteen minutes, Niall and I get our carry on and exit the plane.  We rent a car so we could drive to the hotel we were staying at. Ni helps me put my carry on in the back and I take a seat in the driver's side. It seemed foreign to see the driver's side on the left again, I'm so used to seeing it on the right. Once Niall is in I start the car and head to the hotel.

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