Chapter 24 - Dinner with the Kingston's

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Songs for this chapter:

Mama's Broken Heart by Miranda Lambert (This song is about heart break and hatred for her classy mother, Zoe hasn't experienced resent heartbreak but she does have extreme hatred for her mother.)

Zoe's POV :

I had called my mom telling her I was in town with a friend and that I wanted to have dinner to discuss the 'issues' we were having. As my mother would put it, you discuss your problems properly and with class. As you can tell she was raised to be proper and to show no emotion like the classy women in the Help. This dinner was making me nervous and excited, I was nervous what was going to happen but it excited me to see my mother angry. I don't know why, maybe it was because I had never gotten in trouble I was always respectful and followed rules.

I was currently getting ready in the hotel room. Had on my grey jersey dress with a black, velvet bow in the middle. My hair was straighten and the front sections of hair was pulled back and pinned with a cute, black bow. I paired my outfit with black pumps with buckle on the ankle and black earrings that looked like my hair bow. I was looking in the mirror straightening out my dress when I see two fingers apear above my head making bunny ears. I playfully roll my eyes and turn around to see Niall; I have to say he looked nice. He had on black skinny jeans, a dress shirt with a semi loose tie, and his leather jacket. And who could forget his white Supras. His hair was a paler shade of lilac since it had washed out last night. He looks me up and down till he reaches my eyes. "You look stunning as always." I blush at his compement, why does he do this to me.

"You don't look to bad yourself." I tell him, his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink; I had to hold in a 'aww'. I grab my phone before following his lead towards the door. We walk down to the parking lot and get in the rental car, I drove it all day yesterday showing Niall all the things I loved about Seattle including all the places I took pictures of. I think his favorite place we went to was the Seattle Space Needle, he loved it. I drive us to my family's house, as we get closer to the three story house the more I see my parents' cars and, is that a yellow VW bug car? The license plate spray painted green and had 'AMY' written across it. Amethyst probably got a new car for her 16th birthday. I park the car next to hers and turn the engine off. I look at Niall, "Ready to meet my fucked up family? " He laughs and says something along the lines of "Ready as I'll ever be". We get out of the car and walk up to the front door, Niall was on the side biting his nails.

" Why are you so nervous? " I ask furring my eyebrows.

" Its your parents, what if they hate me?" He says switching legs to lean on.

"They hate everyone. " I mutter, why would he be nervous. He's not my boyfriend, I'm not taking him home to meet my parents for that reason, sadly.

I take a deep breath and press the door bell making a ring sound. I hear shuffling till finally a tall brunette in a navy blue dress also known as my mom appears. Her thin lips stretch into a forced smile as she sees me.

"Zoella , its great seeing you here." she puts on her nice act until her dark eyes lock with Niall's ocean blue ones. "And who are you?"

"I'm Niall Horan madam, I'm Zoe's bo- um friend. " He offered her a polite smile. His clothing covered his tattoos and his piercings were taken out, the only thing abnormal about him was his lilac hair. My stomach does a flip when he almost said 'boyfriend' but maybe he was meaning a friend... that's a boy? I look back st my mom to see disgust written on her face.

" Well then, come in." she plasters on her fake smile and moves aside to let us in. Niall grasps my hand and squeezes it for reassurance but soon drops it when we walk into the dining room. It was exactly like it was before I left. The long table neatly decorated with a centerpiece and fine china. There my dad was, talking to my sister Amethyst about music I think. His button up shirt didn't have any wrinkle in it like always and his glasses were perched on the bridge of his nose. Amethyst had on a cute, royal purple, dress that passed mid thigh and she had one of her favorite beanies on her blonde head. I lightly tap my knuckles on the entrance frame getting their attention. My dad's eyes lit up as we made our way over to them.

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