Chapter 29 - Surprises

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Songs for this chapter:

Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless (I fucking love this song, I think I have listened to it 30 times today. It is just amazing! The lead singer of The Pretty Reckless is Taylor Momsen. And if you don't know who Taylor Momsen is, she was first a young actress. Taylor was Cindy Lou in How the Grinch Stole Christmas and was in Gossip Girl.)

Song on the side, I suggest listening to it!

Zoe's POV :

I was on my way to the hospital, I had to take a taxi since I still didn't have a car. The thought of getting a job kept nagging in the back of my mind. The taxi drops me off at the entrance of the hospital, I pay the driver and get out of the black car. I walk into the hospital and make my way up to room 375. The last time I was in this room Zayn was in a coma, I found out he was my brother, and Bentley yelled in my face. I really hope she is better, I don't blame her she was under a lot of stress. I quietly knock on the door to Zayn's room not wanting to disturb the other patients. The door opens to reveal Niall, I smile automatically walking into his arms. He gives me a gentle kiss on the nose.

" Hey stranger. " he whispers.

" Hey dork." I stand on my tiptoes to give him a kiss, I pull back a few seconds later.  He looked tired, slight bags under his eyes. I let it go and pass by him to turn around the entrance wall and into the room. Harry was the first one to say hello.

"Zoe!" He ran to me, picking me up and squeezing me.

"Hey Harry." I giggle at his child like behavior. I wasn't let go but passed onto Louis then Liam, I was finally put down and was able to say hi to Eleanor and Danielle who were there too. I turn to see Bentley looking down at the ground, rubbing her arm awkwardly. She finally looks up offering me a small smile.

" Hey."

"Hi." I say walking over to her and giving her a hug,  she sighs in relief and huffs back.

" I'm so happy your not mad at me, I'm so sorry Zoe, I didn't mean to be a bitch." I laugh lightly and release from the hug.

" It's okay, I forgive you. " She gives me one more squeeze before letting me go. I look pass her to see a weak but stable Zayn.

" Hey sis." he say, my heart melts and I elope him in a hug making sure not to hurt him.

" Who told you? " I say still smiling, happy to see him alive.

" Well the doctor explained it and so did Ni an hour ago. " I nod sitting on the foot of his bed.

"He gets to go home today, thank God." Bentley sighs in relief laying next to him, let puts his arm around her, kissing her temple.

" Zayn and I want to have a night out with you guys, we have an announcement to tell you guys." Bentley said excitedly,  Zayn smiling widely. Confusion crossed all our faces.

"I have one too." Niall says from behind me. I smile at the thought of his announcement. I turn my head to look at him. He gives me a wink, answering my thoughts.


Niall picked me up to meet everyone at a nice Italian restaurant. I had on a casual dress that was black with a floral pattern.

"You look lovely." He tells me moving his hands to my waist, pulling closer to him. He lowers his face so our lips meet. The gentle kiss lasts only for a few seconds before I teasingly pull away leaving him dumbfounded. I get into the passenger seat of his car and wait for him to get in.

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