Chapter 5 - I'm Not an Asshole Baby

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Songs for this chapter:

 Young Volcanos by Fall Out Boy


Zoe's POV:

We ended up buying the two matching dresses with black and white pumps for tonight, two matching floral dresses; mine was black hers was baby blue, and red and crème dresses. I got the crème and she got the red. Bentley also insisted we get OBEY and Vans snapbacks. Now we were on our way to get our hair done. I was a little nervous I mean what is Bentley wanting me to get? We finally get to the salon and walk in.

"Hi how may I help you?" the lady from behind the desk asked.

"We have a appointment with Ella and Lou today." Bentley told her.

"You made a appointment even if I didn't go with you?" I asked.

"I was going to drag you even if you yelled, kicked, and screamed." she laughs, well that's nice.

"Hey Bentley, and hi I'm Lou." a women comes by and holds her hand to shake, I gladly take it.

"And I'm Ella." a other woman comes from behind Lou. They tell us to sit down in the chairs, Lou stands behind me and combs her finger through my hair.

"So what do you want to get down babe?" she asked.

"Add some color." Bentley says from the chair next to me.

"Umm, just do what you want." I say, I really don't know what I want. I just know my mum and dad are going to kill me if they see my hair colored.

"Okay I have an idea." Lou smiles at me.


Lou had dyed my hair but I don't know what it was because it was suppose to my a surprise. She takes me to the wash bowl and lathers my hair with lavender scented shampoo and conditioner. She rinses and gathers my hair in a towel, I'm taken back to the salon chair and have the towel taken off. I couldn't see the bottom of it but the top of my head was just a little bit darker than naturally. Lou turns the chair so I can't see my reflection and combs through my long hair and grabs the scissors to cut. I giggle when the strains fall and tickle my cheek bones. After cutting she blow dries my hair and straightens it with a flat iron.

"Okay ready to see the new you?" Lou giggles with excitement when she is finally done, I smile and nod to her. She spins me around and I'm stunned. My hair was dyed a little bit darker and it ombred to a rich purple color. Lou gave my hair more volume by layering it a little which made it even better, purple really looks good on me.

"Oh my god, I love it thank you so much!" I stand up and hug her, she gladly hugged back. I broke the hug and turned to see Bentley. She got a trim and got lavender/soft blue highlights that blended beautifully with her pink hair.

"Your hair looks amazing!" I gush.

"Thanks and look at you, way betting looking with color." she says flicking the tips of the hair.

We paid for our hairstyles and thanked Lou and Ella again and left. We got back in Bentley's car and headed back to the dorm.


I take out the ivory dress I got today and the black shoes to go with it. I walk into the bathroom and change into my outfit. It was a very cute outfit I thought, retouch my make up and give it a bit darker or smoky look and put some soft pink lipstick on. I decide to tease my hair a little bit like Bentley did a few days ago. I finish with some Vera Wang Preppy Princess perfume and wah la I'm done.

"Okay, what do you think?" I ask Bentley as she walks into the bathroom with me, straightening the collar of the dress.

"Amazing!" she says, she had on the black matching dress with ivory heels and in stead of pink lipstick and Preppy Princess perfume, she had red lipstick and Rock Princess perfume. Her hair was styled to look wavy like beach hair and she had cross earrings in. I decided on just black bow stud earrings in my ear lobs, small diamond studs in my second and a diamond stud in my upper cartilage piercing. I know what your thinking, how am I not dead yet by my parents. Well they only know about my ear lob piercing, I got the double piercing and cartilage done when I was 16 and just never told anyone. I just thought it looked pretty.

"Did that hurt?" I ask pointing to her lip.

"What my lip piercing? Nah just a little, you should get a piercing." she says.

"Nah I think I'll pass." I tell her, I would be dead if I got one.

"You should get snake bites like Niall, no wait you should get a navel piercing!" she said with excitement. "I'm so taking you to get your navel pierced tomorrow."

"Wait what no, what it with you and piercings, I don't know won't it hurt?" I ask, I mean navel piercing are pretty but they look like they hurt...

"Nah, well I have never gotten one before but my friend got one and she said it didn't hurt."

"I still don't know about this...." I trail off, guh I don't know its just scary to think of a needle going through your navel.

"Oh come on, I'm going to the tattoo shop with Zayn tomorrow anyways." she assures.

"No." I huff in annoyance. What am I getting myself into? I walk out of the bathroom while she is putting the finishing touches of her make up on. When I walk out I almost scream, Niall was laying on Bentley's bed throwing my perfume bottle up in the air and catching it. He had a black skinny jeans on with a white t-shirt, white Supras, and a Miami Heat snap back which his blonde hair was peeking from. You could see his tattoos making him quite attractive but I will never admit that.

"Umm... What are you doing here?" I ask, furring my eyebrows together.

"Waiting on you two what does it look like I'm doing?" he rolling his eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Preppy Princess huh? Well that's a true fact." He remarks while looking at the perfume label.

"Why are you waiting on us?" I huff in annoyance, trying to ignore his comment.

"I'm taking Bentley and-" he looks at me up and down before continuing "you to the club, cute hair by the way." he finishes then goes back to throwing the bottle.

"Can you stop throwing that up in the air, its going to break if you drop it." I tell him a bit more harsher then I intended, by now my face is probably red from the anger towards him and from the 'what I think was a complement' made me blush a bit. He was a bit taken back by my outburst but just laughed.

"God Princess take a Xanax and relax, I won't break it." he chuckles. That's it.

"Why are such an asshole all the time?" I snap throwing my hands in the air.

"It's not called being an asshole if its your personality baby, but I can be one if you want me to." he smirked.

I was about protest when Bentley walks out of the bathroom and looks between us and smirks, I look back at Niall and see him rolling his eyes at her. I think she heard our conversation but whatever.

"Finally lets go." Niall says getting up from the bed and placing my perfume bottle on my night stand and walks out the door, I follow the obnoxious twat and Bentley. Well, won't this be interesting.


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(pic of the outfits on the side)

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