Chapter 14 - Caught

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Songs for this chapter:

I don't have a song for this chapter :(


Zoe's POV:

"Hey! What are you two doing in here?" A police officer in black slacks, a neon yellow jacket that said 'POLICE' on it yelled from the top, he had his bright flashlight shining at us, I started to panic.

"Oh hello officer." Niall grins waving towards the officer like an idiot.

"I'll repeat, why are you two in the Taney Lake. Your not suppose to be in there." he said more sternly.

 "Oh sorry officer, my girlfriend lost her bracelet here yesterday and we were trying to find it. Here it is." he says, he takes the bracelet from my wrist off and raises it out of the water for the police officer to see.

"Well since you found it, you can get out now. Keep track of your stuff more next time." the officer buys Niall's lie, we both say 'okay' and hurry out of the water. I quickly put on my now semi damp - dry clothes, Niall already has his clothes on when I'm done. We walk up to the top of the hill, the officer was still there, he spotted us and looked at us suspiciously.

"Why didn't you look for it this morning?" he questioned, I look down not knowing what to say.

"We were both in school today sir." Niall makes a believable excuse. The officer looks Niall up and down taking in his tattoos and snakebites then looks at me. I feel uncomfortable under his stare, sure he was a officer but it was just uncomfortable. Niall senses my un-comfort and snakes his arm around me waist and pulls me closer to him, it eases the un-comfort massively for some reason.

"Is that so, what do you kids major in?" he interrogates, god he really won't let us go well I guess that's apart of his job.

"We both study psychology at the University, now we better get going since we have class tomorrow." Niall said looking at the officer sternly. The officer lets us go and we were on our way back to my dorm hall.

"Girlfriend huh?" I ask nudging him, he flushed pink and said "I had to come up with something."

"How did you know I studied psychology?" I ask once we were back on the road, how did he know?

"Because when I saw you last week when we had that.... argument, I saw you come out of the wing of the school psychology would be on. And guessing by the book you bought that was about 'emotional intelligences' you majored in psychology. And by your character you look and sound like you would major in a course that deals with the brain. The function of emotion and intelligence and the function of mental disorders is something your intrigued in." he explains, it fit me to a T. He is so intelligent but so mysterious, I would of never saw him to be like this if I just saw him walking down the street. He was just so interesting.

"Your so observant you know that." I say looking at him, he chuckles.

"Yeah, maybe because I took some years in psychology before droping out." he said, wait what? He studied psychology then dropped out? Why?

"Why?" I ask.

"You ask a lot of question you know?" he says with a hint of annoyance.

"I'm just curious and don't know everything, it gets confusing." I defend.

"Curiosity killed the cat princess." he tells me.

"But satisfaction brought it back." I point out in the same tone as him.

"Fine, I dropped out a few months after we started the racing. I couldn't do both and I saw it this way; I could be psychologist, have a job that pays alright and have the normal commercial life. Or I could be a fugitive millionaire that lives life on the edge. I wanted the wild life so that's what I chose. Plus, the racing would give us the money for the o-" he shut himself up before I could even hear what the money was for.

"For what?" I ask frowning my eyebrows, what was the money for anyway?

"Um... Just for private things." he says not looking at me. I really wanted to know what the money was for, I guess that was on my list of questions.

1. Why does he race, the REAL reason?

2. How do the boys know each other because obviously there not from the same places?

3. What is the money for?

4. How is Bentley involved? 

5. Why do I care about Niall so much?

"We're here." I was brought out of my thoughts when Niall told me we were already at my hall.

"Thanks Ni." I say looking up at him.

"For what?" he asked in a clueless voice. He looked deeply into my eyes as I did to him.

"For the adventure, you were right its a lot better than grey." I tell him, we bid our goodbyes and I walk towards the entrance door, I turn back around to see Niall still there. He doesn't leave till he knows I'm in the building. I wave goodbye to him and walk up the stairs to my floor and to my dorm room. I mentally thanked God that no one was waiting at me door to complain for our loud disrupting from earlier. When I enter I see a crying Bentley.


Hey guys. What do you think is wrong with Bentley? I got a new phone its the Samsung Galaxy S4,  it is amazing for writing since it guess at what you are going to write next. IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! I go on break Friday the 20th, are you guys excited?

Love you guys!  Sierra Boo x.

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